10. Lingerie, Girl Talk & Private Callers

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"Crotchless panties."

My mouth dropped as Ellie held up the very skimpy piece of lingerie. When I told her that Sean and I were going out to dinner on Valentine's Day, she asked what I was getting him. I explained to her that, not only is this my first Valentine's Day ever, but he and I agreed not to get each other gifts.

She insisted that was absolutely ridiculous and, since he was taking me to dinner, I should at least get him some new sexy lingerie. If I was being honest, it has been a while since I bought something new to wear. I didn't mind the lingerie, I was just new to all of this.

The only thing I've ever worn for him was a few different color teddies. Not...."Crotchless panties, Ellie? Really?"

She rolled her eyes as she held out the panties in question. "Yes. He will go crazy over this."

I examined the black piece of lace. "I don't know. What would I wear it with?" Obviously, I'm not just going to wear this by itself. That seemed silly.

"There's a whole set here!" She explained as she grabs multiple items from the rack and held them up for me to look at. "There's a corset that matches. It also comes with a garter belt and thigh-high stockings." She pointed to the left, where there were floor-to-ceiling racks of heels. "Not to mention, the gorgeous back and red heels over there."

I glanced at the heels she was talking about and cringed. I don't think I've ever worn heels that high in my life. I know they weren't probably that high for other women, but for me? That was an ambulance ride waiting to happen.

"Maybe I can get on board with the outfit, but the heels? I can't wear those things, Ellie."

Being completely Ellie, she ignored me and walked over to grab my size in a pair of heels. She brought them over to me and pointed to the chair. "Sit down and try these on," she ordered.

Knowing she wouldn't let me leave the store until I did what she said, I took a seat and held my hand out for the box. I tried the heels on and was pleasantly surprised when they fit me perfectly.

"Those look amazing! Here," Ellie said as she held out her hand, "come look in the mirror."

She helped me get to my feet and I immediately started to lose my balance. I grabbed onto her arm as she helped me walk over to the mirror. As I looked at my reflection, I had to admit, they were pretty sexy.

"Wow," I breathed.

"Gorgeous, right? I told you!" She said before she helped me back to the chair so I could take them off in put them back in the box.

"Hand me the box, I'm going to buy them for you." She stated.

I shook my head. "No way. These are too expensive for you to buy them for me. I won't let you."

Ellie was a stubborn one. She crossed her arms over her chest and started tapping her foot. "Lydia, let me get these for you. Consider it a Valentine's Day present from me."

"How does that make it better? If I won't even let Sean get me a present, what makes you think I would let you?" I quipped with a smile.

"Because I'm your roommate, and current best friend. Those rules don't apply to me. Now, hand them over."

Knowing it was a lost cause, I handed her the box. "Fine," I groaned. "But if I fall in those things, it's going to be your fault."

We went to the cashier to ring up our purchases. She scoffed as she pulled out her wallet. "Lydia, today is Wednesday. That means you have two whole days to wear these around our dorm room to get used to them. Then, come Friday, Sean is going to lose his mind. Besides," she said as we grabbed our bags to leave. "Once he sees you in them, you won't be standing."

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