The opening

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(1 month later)
Bella's P.O.V

"Ava get your arse down here" I shout to her

"Why does she take so long we were supposed to be out of the house 5 minutes ago," Ari says getting annoyed with Ava's tardiness

That's one of Ava's downfalls, I remember a couple of years ago she was meant to go to an interview for college and It took her so long to get ready she was two hours late but luckily they were just packing up and said she could quickly do the interview then, and in the end they expected her even though she was very late.

She finally comes running down the stairs and shoots out the door and waits by Ari's car which was a yellow Camaro with black racing stripes (bumblebee)

She finally comes running down the stairs and shoots out the door and waits by Ari's car which was a yellow Camaro with black racing stripes (bumblebee)

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This has always been her dream car so when she turned 18 her mum and dad got it for her and it's a good car but not as good as my car.

Ari grabs the keys, unlocks the car, and starts to drive toward the cafe.

Once we get there she parks the car and we all run in and get the place ready for when it opens, which I'm really excited about but I'm also dreading it because what if something goes wrong or I embarrass myself in front of everyone.

I must have zoned out because when I stop overthinking things I hear Ava and Ari shouting my name.

"What do you guys want?" I ask looking around a bit confused and see that the place is ready to be opened

"You just zoned out and left us to do the work, "Ava said sounding a bit pissed of at the fact I didn't do much but it's not my fault that I'm nervous, someone needs a chill pill

"Alright calm down," I say rolling my eyes

"Guys let's just the bakery open the. You can do all the arguing after" (Ari)

"Alright," Me and Ava say at the same time

'Weirdos' Ari says under her breath thinking we didn't hear it but we did and both glared at her.

I grab the keys to the bakery and unlock the doors, Ari turns the sign around so it says open and put the sign that says today's special outside by the door and then Ava opens the blinds and makes sure everything is in the right place.

We've been open for about three hours and already had lots of costumers, so far business was running smoothly.

I was running the till when the fittest man I've ever seen walks in and I mean your typical bad boy, amazing muscles (but not too many), a good sense of style and dreamiest eyes ever, they are the brightest shade of blue I've ever seen.

I was running the till when the fittest man I've ever seen walks in and I mean your typical bad boy, amazing muscles (but not too many), a good sense of style and dreamiest eyes ever, they are the brightest shade of blue I've ever seen

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I have never in my whole life see someone who looks that good but holy mother of Mary he looks like a Greek God.

'Play it cool Bella you're gonna be confident' I think to myself

"Umm... excuse me miss" Oh. My. God he has the best voice ever I could listen to him all-day

'Focus Bella stop daydreaming'

"Oh sorry, what would you like?" I asked

"Can I get 2 black coffees both with sugar and a glass of water please"

"Sure that will be £6.50 please"

"Here you go" he says handing me the money

"Thanks have a nice day" I say with a smile

"You too" he smiles back

I watch as he walks away and that's when I realize his two friends that where with him were good looking but not as good looking as him.

The rest of the day goes by quickly and before we know it we need to lock up, after that, we start to clean the place and shut everything up and head home.

Once we got home we changed into our pj's and sat down ready to watch some Greys anatomy before we got started I decided I'd tell them about the guy that was in the bakery earlier.

"Oh I forgot to tell you about the guy that walked into the bakery earlier" I casually say

"What guy?" Ava asks in a bored tone

"that's the thing I don't actually know who he is but he has amazing muscles but just the right amount, the dreamiest blue eyes, perfect hair and he's tall like really tall, also he was very good looking" I say with a massive grin on my face and probably drool coming out of my mouth

"As in Tom Holland good looking or Dylan O'Brien good looking?" Ari asked intrigued

"How can you even compare the two?" I looked at her like she'd just swallowed two tarantulas.

"What?!?! Dylan O'Brien is clearly the better looking one out of the two" she said looking shocked at what I said

"No no no you've got it wrong" I shake my head at her

"Anyway....Looks like you've found your dream guy," Ava says trying not to laugh

"Haha funny but I don't think I'll ever see him again," I say kinda disappointed

"aww, Bella it's gonna be okay I'm sure you'll see him again," Ari says bringing me into a hug

"Thanks, Ari but there's no point getting my hopes up"

"Oh and did he have any cute friends" she whispers so Ava doesn't hear and steal her idea

"Yeah two they were pretty cute but he was the better looking one out of the three" I say while trying not to laugh

"of course you'd say that" she laughs pulling away from the hug

"you guys shut up it's about to start," Ava says in an annoyed tone. She's acting weird and more annoyed with us, meh probably just my imagination

"Alright don't get your panties in a twist" Ava crosses her arms and huffs whilst I and Ari burst out laughing

"Shut up and watch the show" Ava shouts annoyed at us we both throw our hands up in surrender trying not to laugh.

soon enough we went up to the bed and fell asleep getting ready for the long day off work tomorrow


Hope you liked the first chapter of 'His One and Only' the first few chapters will be pretty short because I'm just getting the hang of writing stories.

If you think it's shit then don't read it, simple. But if you do like it thank you

Published 18th March 2020

-- Ella x

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