Baby Xavier

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'Cause when you love someone
You open up your heart
When you love someone
You make room'

(Be warned in this chapter there are ALOT of time jumps)

Bella's P.O.V

It's been a week since the baby shower and I feel like Ryder's keeping something from me and whenever i wake up early hours of the morning due to my baby boy he's never in bed but when I wake up again around 9 or 10 he'll be fast asleep and it's worrying me because I know it's just me being paranoid but I feel like ever since he found out we are having a boy he has disanced himself and is hardly ever around.

Today I decided to confront him and that's what I'm doing now. As soon as he got home from work I pulled him into the lounge and made him sit and listen.

"What's wrong Principessa?" He asked whilst looking at me with worry in his eyes

"I need to talk to you but please don't interrupt me" I replied with a straight face looking at the floor

"Okay" He said back

"Are you regretting having the baby with me? because lately you seem really distanced and when I've woken up early hours of the morning you aren't there and I'm worried that you don't want us anymore" I  quickly said with tears rolling down my cheeks and my hand rubbing my baby bump

"I'm sorry" He got up and walked over to me 

"What have you been doing?" I asked 

"Nothing bad I promise and I never ever regret getting you pregnant" He started rubbing my stomach and looking at me with soft eyes

"But why are you never home early hours?"

"I was gonna show you this later but I could show you now instead" He stood up and pulled me with him

"Okay... Can I bring buddy with us?" He nodded 

(Buddy is their puppy if you don't remember :) )

He walked upstairs with me and Buddy trailing behind him. When we got to the floor with our bedroom and the spare rooms he continued walking down the hall until he got to the spare room across from ours.

"What are we doing outside this room?" I aasked giving him a confused look

"Just wait and see" He gave me a quick peck on the lips then opened the door making me gasp in shock as to what I saw.

"Just wait and see" He gave me a quick peck on the lips then opened the door making me gasp in shock as to what I saw

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Infront of me was a room decorated with 3 white walls and 1 space themed walls. A crib was up against the space wall with planet mobile hanging over it. There was 2 selves on the wall to the right of the scrib that had toys on. Hanging under the selves were a moon and star as well as a small blue seat. On the oposit side of the room was a changing table, chest of doors and a bucket full of teddy bears. 

I noticed a dog bed on the floor in front of the little seat and turned around looking at Ryder confused.

"Why is the dog bed in here?"

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