Moving in

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'Should've kissed you there
I should've held your face
I should've watched those eyes
Instead of run in place'

Bella's P.O.V

When I got to the bakery I put my apron on and took peoples order. Today was a little busy but I'm glad I can finally get back to work.

At the end of our shift we text the boys saying we were gonna catch up for a bit then Ari will drive us back to Noah and Izzy's house (The girls original house) and ye'll all just crash there.

I served a few more tables and worked as the cashier for a bit before we closed and sat down with hot chocolates.

"So what's everyone been doing?" I asked

"Well me and Noah are deciding what we are going to do with the house once you guys move out but other then that nothing much" Izzy says shrugging her shoulders

"Nothings changed with me" Ari replied sipping her drink

"What about you and Ryder, found a house yet?" Izzy asked

"Actually we have and are moving in on Wednesday" I said back

"Really? lets see it" Ari asked

"Once we get everything moved you can come over and explore it" I said

"Explore it, how big is it!?" Ari asks shocked to the fact you can explore it

"Well its three stories high and massive" I smiled thinking about our new house where we are going to start our family

"Jesus, you've got my brother whipped" Izzy laughed

"Hey! He's the one that wanted a massive house and I didn't care as long as there was a stables, big kitchen and pool" I replied back

"Only a few things then" Ari laughed

"I'm leaving you're just taking digs" I was about to stand up to leave when Izzy stopped me

"Wait, we were only joking" She said with her arms up in surrender

"We should head back anyway we've been talking for 2 hours already and the boys are probably worried" Ari said picking up her things and getting up to leave, me and Izzy following

*At the house*

When we arrived at the house the boys were all shouting at each other whilst playing on the Xbox.

"Why are you shouting at each other again?" Izzy asked walking over to Noah

"They are both cheaters!" Max huffed whilst pulling Ava onto the sofa he was sat on

"He's just butt hurt because we beat him again" Ryder laughed 

"That's why you're shouting?" Ava asked rolling her eyes

"Yep" Noah said back

"Seriously?" Izzy questioned looking at Noah 

"Yeah why do you keep asking us about it?" Ryder asked looking at the three of us like we're crazy

"Well you guys are meant to be scary, serious mafia men yet you're sat here acting like 15 year old and arguing over a game on the Xbox" I gave them weird looks and they looked at me as if I grew three heads.

"What..?" I asked confused as to why they were looking at me like that.

"One we are scary and two how dare you insult us like that" Max replied looking offended and a bit upset.

"Anyway...we need to pack because we'll be leaving in on Wednesday" I said walking over to Ryder and sitting on his lap to give him a cuddle.

"Okay we'll do it all tomorrow and then we move in." Ryder said kissing me on the top of the head.


It's now Wednesday and we are moving everything into the new house.

So far the day has been emotional since we are all no longer living together and it's gonna be weird living apart.

"That's the last box" Ryder said walking in with a box labelled bathroom

"Okay just leave it here and we'll unpack tomorrow since it's already 10pm and we've been doing this all day" I said grabbing his hand once he put the box down and walking upstairs into our room.

When we got into bed I was worried that something bad might happen to me or my baby.

"What's wrong principessa?" 

"I'm scared that something bad will happen and it will harm the baby" I replied on the verge of tears

"Hey, look at me" He turned me around so we were face to face. "I'm not going to et anything bad happen to you are my baby got it?" He said cupping my face

"Got it" I gave a weak smile

"Good, I love you principessa" He said giving me a quick peck on the lips

"I love you too Ryder" I snuggled into him so my face was in his chest and my arm wrapped around him

After a while I drifted off to sleep

*Unknown P.O.V*

I watched as they moved everything into their new house.

To be honest they couldn't have been more stupid, now its easier to get to them since the rest of their Mafia are back at the house and they have less protection on them.

As soon as that baby is born they are not gonna know what hit them. I'm gonna take his family away from him just like he did to me.

He's gonna regret crossing me because when it comes to my families death there is nothing I want more then to avenge it and take everything away from him and then make him watch them suffer just like I did.

I'll keep the girl and make sure to sell her off to some mafia boss who will use her and as for the kid I'm sure it'll be wanted for later  on in its life.


That bit was shit but It's all I could think of...

Hi sorry its been so long but I had to catch up with homework because I had at least 30 overdue tasks.

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who reads my book, I really appreciate it and hope you are enjoying it so far I was thinking of only doing 35-40 chapters since I don't want to make it to long.

If you have any suggestions for the book the please comment them and I'll try to add in as many as I can.

After this book I'll be bringing out another one once I've completed it fully but it'll be completely different and the once that's finished I'll be doing the sequel for this one (maybe).

~Ella x

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