Over Again

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'If you're pretending from the start like this

With a tight grip, then my kiss Can mend your broken heart

I might miss everything you said to me'

Ryder's P.O.V

She grabbed my hand and dragged me out the bakery, once we were outside she stopped and looked around confused.

"What are you looking for principessa?" I asked concerned

"I was trying to see if I could guess which car is yours but I can't so lead the way" She replies letting go of my hand and playing with hers.

"Let's go" I grab her hands again and walk her to my car

Once we get to my car I open the passenger side for her and she jumped in, I ran to my side, started the engine and drove off.

"So, where are we going?"


"yeah but where?"

"Somewhere you can go to talk or just look at the view"

"So are we going to talk or just look at the view?"

"You can decide that when we get there."


The car was silent again (well apart from our breathing and the radio) but it only took Bella 5 minutes until she started talking again.

"So... how long until we are there?"

"About five minutes"

"Okie Dokie"

*Five minutes later*

We arrived at the car park thing outside the woods. I got out my side and walked over to her side helping her out.

"May I?" I asked  holding my hand out

She placed her hand in my hand and I started to walk through the woods on my way to my favourite place.

"Close your eyes we are nearly there"


"Just hold on to my hand and you'll be okay"

"If I walk into a tree I'll kill you myself"

"I won't let you walk into a tree I promise," I said whilst chuckling

After a few minutes of Bella tripping over everything that was on the floor and me laughing at her, we got to the place.

"You can open now" I let go of her hand and stepped behind her so she could get a better view.

This has always been my favourite place, it's somewhere I can go if I'm stressed or just pissed off

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This has always been my favourite place, it's somewhere I can go if I'm stressed or just pissed off. The view is amazing it's a blue clear stream/lake thing that is hidden behind the trees that are on a little hill and just before the stream/lake there is a small sand back you can site on.

"You like it?" I asked

"Like it are you serious? Who wouldn't like this, it's amazing" She says turning back around looking at the view.

I decided to be brave even though I'm a gang leader doesn't mean I'm very experienced in the girl are but we'll save that for later. Anyway... I decide to wrap my arms around her waist from behind and rest my chin on top of her head and I notice she leans back into my touch which I'm guessing means she's comfortable with what I'm doing.

This has got to be one of my favourite moments ever, just staring into the distance with this amazing girl in my arms.

Aaaahh shit now I'm sounding soft but I mean when it comes to the girl I'll do anything for her and I'll kill anyone who tries to harm her or tries to come in between us.


Hope you enjoyed his point of view, I know it's a lot short but I don't know what to put when it's his P.O.V

I've made them Instagram accounts because why not so these are their accounts

ryderlockwood1996 and xox.BellaWhite1997.xox

Published on March 20th 2020

--Ella xx

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