Please don't leave me

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Hold on
Hold on to me
'Cause I'm a little unsteady
A little unsteady'

Bella's P.O.V

We have just finished watching 'White chicks' and we decided to have a dance party so here we were dancing our asses off whilst listening to random music.

I realised that we need to do this more and I've been a crappy friend because my new relationship with Ryder is still fresh and I've wanted to spend all my time with him and have realised I've neglected my friends so I decided we should make Thursdays our girls night.

"I'm sorry I've been a crappy friend its just that my relationship is still new but I shouldn't have neglected you guys" I blurt out making them freeze

"Wait what?" Ari said looking confused

"I said I'm sor-" I started before getting interrupted

"We heard its just where did that com from?" Izzy asked

"I was just thinking and realised how shitty I've been" I said looking down

"Awww come here, we've all been caught up on boyfriends lately so its not just you" Ari said pulling me into a hug

"Yeah bring it in" Izzy laughed joining the hug

"Lets make every Thursday our day yeah?" I asked

"Yeah" They both answered at the same time making us all laugh. We pulled away from the hug when Izzy's phone started ringing.

She picked it up looking happy to hear whoever was on the phone ,probably Noah, suddenly her face dropped and tears filled her eyes making me and Ari look at each other in confusion. She hung up and just stood there shocked.

"What's wrong?" Ari asked

"We need to get to the hospital" She replied walking to the door putting on her shoes and grabbing the car keys, me and Ari doing the same even though we were both confused as to why we were going to the hospital.

"Ryder's been shot" She replied walking out the door tears running down her face

"WHAT?!?" I shouted tears threatening to fall

"We need to go I'll drive since you to are crying and can't see properly" Ari said taking the keys from Izzy before getting in it and starting it

"O-okay lets g-go" I stuttered getting in the back.

Ari drove as fast as she could without breaking any laws, Izzy was sat in the passenger seat texting Noah whilst I was thinking of all the things I could see when I walked into that room. I was hoping he would be awake at pull me into a hug telling me everything was okay.

When we got there I ran straight into the gang house looking to see if I could find anyone to help, luckily someone saw me panicking and pointed straight to the room, after thanking her I ran into the room and froze as soon as I saw him laying lifeless on a bed plugged into machines.

"Bella?" Noah asked from behind me

"W-what's wrong w-with him w-why I-isn't he a-awake?" I sobbed still staring at him

"He lost a lot of blood and the bullet was to close to his heart" Noah explained

"W-what does t-that mean?" I asked whilst tears poured out my eyes

"He's in a coma Bella I'm so sorry" Noah said

"NO! no he can't be I need him, he can't leave me we only just met, we were suppose to be together longer then this" I sobbed falling to the floor burying my face into my hands

"OMG!" Ari shouted bending down to my height and pulling me into her

"H-he's in a c-coma Ari, w-what am I-I gon-na d-do?" I cried into her shoulder hugging her tight

"He'll wake up, he's strong, he'll get through this" I heard Max say from behind me I turned to see him holding a crying Izzy in his arms.

I get up and walk to the chair that's beside his bed, I grab hold of his hand intertwining our fingers together and lying my head on the bed beside him quietly crying myself to sleep.

I get up and walk to the chair that's beside his bed, I grab hold of his hand intertwining our fingers together and lying my head on the bed beside him quietly crying myself to sleep

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I woke up drenched in sweat and shaking. I had the worst dream ever it was of Ryder getting shot but this time he was dead and they couldn't bring him back. I looked beside me to make sure he was still there and luckily he was.

I decided that I'd talk to him for a bit even if he can't reply at least I know he's able to listen.

"Hi baby..." I started "I miss you and need you to back to me, I should've said a proper good bye to you rather then having to do it over the phone..." I started crying again and held his hand tighter "I love you so much and I need you to wake up for me baby and if not for me do it for your family, Noah and Max"

In that moment when he didn't reply I knew that everything that happened was real and waasn't just a bad dream.

But i knew one thing and that's the fact I'm head over heels for this man and would be heart broken if he ever left.


THANK YOU FOR READING!! I really appreciate it.

I was wondering how long you wanted the book to be because I could end it within the next 10 chapters or i could carry on until I get to 40 or 50 chapters but its totally up to you guys so please comment your thoughts :)

- Ella x

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