Movie Day

478 10 2

'Got to say your voice

Is my favorite sound

Counting every star

Dreaming every dream'

Ryder's P.O.V

I run out the house, get in my car and call Noah because i know he'll be better help then Max since he's the only sensible one.


"Hello to you too Noah"

"What do you want bro?"

"I'm on my way over I need help"

"What with?"

"You remember that cashier from the bakery?"

"Yeah the one you kept looking at"

"Well she's kinda at my house waiting for me whilst i plan to ask her to be my girlfriend"

"wait really?"

"Yeah i told her i really liked her and she said she felt the same way but didn't want me to do anything fancy so I'm gonna ask her at some point today but make it special"

"I'm happy for you bro, what do you need me to do?"

"Help me plan it and we need to go over to her house to ask her friends for help as well"

"Alright I'll be ready by the time you get here"

"okay" I said hanging up the phone

After about 10 minutes I finally got to Noah's house and he was sat on the steps waiting.


"Yeah you?"


"So when do we get to meet this girl?"

"Tonight. I'll get her friends, you and Max to come over after I ask her then we can all stay over at mine and just watch films and hang"

"Sounds good"

I drive to her house where I will ask her friends if they can help me and if they want to stay over later with all of us.

We arrive at her house and start speaking to her friends about what she likes, after I've got all the information I ask them if they wanna stay over after I've asked and they said yes and will pack a bag for her.

I go into the shop to get her all of her favourite things. I dropped Noah back of at his house and told him to be at mine by 4pm since it's only 2pm now so that leave 2 hours for me to ask her.

*At the house*

I walk in to find Bella lying on the sofa watching funny videos on her phone. I sneak in with about 2 bag filled with stuff for tonight,  I prepare everything and then put it all in the store cupboard thing.

I set the stuff up so its all ready for when I ask her which is in a minute.

I set the stuff up so its all ready for when I ask her which is in a minute

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