new arrival + first day at school

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Bella's P.O.V

*8 months later*

me and the girls have huge news and need to tell the guys. 

So I'm pregnant again and the other two are both pregnant with their first. We are all about a month apart, we know because we all went to the doctors after we decided to do pregnancy tests and they came back positive. Random I know be we were bored so...

Anyway, Ava is due in 5 months, I'm due in 6 months and Izzy in 7 months.

We are now stood in front of the boys ready to tell them.

"Why are you looking so nervous?" Max asked looking confused

"Well what we have to tell you is important" Ava said back 

"Okay then..." Noah trailed of looking at the other boys

"So you gonna tell us or just stand looking like weirdos?" My idiot of a husband asked

"Do you wanna get hit?" I asked back ready to take my shoe off and chuck it at him

"N-no sorry Principessa" he stuttered causing the others to shut up after I gave them a firm look

"Anyway, just thought we'd let you know that we're all pregnant" Izzy said as if it was nothing 

The boys didn't say anything for about 5 minutes and all their faces were pale.

"W-what?" Noah stuttered looking at his fiancé, yes they are now engaged he did it for her birthday which was a few months after my wedding.

"We are having a baby, Do I need to make it any clearer?" Izzy replied sarcastically, gosh that woman is so blunt, I feel sorry for Noah sometimes.

"A-all of y-you together?" Max asked looking like he was going to faint

"Yes..." Ava said slowly

"Great, now we have to deal with three hormonal pregnant women"  Ryder said smirking thinking he was funny

"That's it your sleeping on the sofa for the rest of this week and the whole of next week" I said back to him, ha that will teach you for saying stupid things to a pregnant lady.

"W-what n-no I'm s-sorry Principessa" He stuttered getting up and walking over to me.

"Well you should've thought about that before you spoke" I said moving away from him

"WAIT I'M GONNA BE A DAD!!" Max shouted making everyone jump and caused Xavier to start crying which mad Buddy growl at Max "Whoops sorry" He whispered

"Buddy calm down" Ryder said pointing his finger at him causing him to lay back down beside a crying Xavier. He picks our son up and rock him back and forth which always seems to calm him down

"Yes now can we go to bed I'm exhausted" Ava complained 

"Sure Tesoro" He picked her up bridle style and took her upstairs to the bedroom they use when they stay over

"We're gonna go up as well" Noah said taking Izzy's hand and leading her to their room

"Come one Principessa let's go to bed" Ryder said trying to pull me up the stairs

"Nope, you're on the sofa" I said walking upstairs leaving him looking shocked at the bottom

*5 months later*

These pregnancy have been a nightmare. 

Ava went into labour 6 hours ago and is now finally ready to push her baby girl out. When she finally did it we had our new addition to our amazing family.

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