The Date! (Part one)

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'Oh, she got both feet on the ground

And she's burning it down

Oh, she got her head in the clouds

And she's not backing down'

Bella's P.O.V

Today it's Saturday meaning today is my date/hang out with Ryder, I'm super excited but I'm trying to play it cool.

Yesterday he texted me saying he'll pick me up at 6 and to wear something formal but he wouldn't tell me where we were going, which annoyed me so much *rolls eyes*

Right now it was 4 pm and I was taking a shower whilst the girl was getting my outfit ready. Once I washed my hair, body, and face I got out and went into my room where I found a beautiful pink dress, a small handbag, pink shoes, and Ava was getting my makeup out of the box I had under my bed.

"So do you like what I picked out?" Ari asked, was more into fashion, Ava was more into makeup and I was just boring but I'm glad they are here so I can have a bit of help looking amazing.

"It's amazing thank you" I replied hugging her, she hugged back and told me to get changed so I went back into the bathroom with my dress and underwear slipped them on, walked back out, and sat in front of Ava who was waiting to do my makeup.

When she was done I looked in the mirror and was shocked, I looked amazing. I hugged both of them then went and put my shoes on.

^Bella's Outfit^I was wearing a soft pink flowy dress with the same coloured heals that had little hanging balls around the strap, a small handbag that had little squares on it and the makeup was a natural look with pink eyeshadow and lipstick

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^Bella's Outfit^
I was wearing a soft pink flowy dress with the same coloured heals that had little hanging balls around the strap, a small handbag that had little squares on it and the makeup was a natural look with pink eyeshadow and lipstick.

As I was stood in front of the mirror making sure everything looked okay I heard the doorbell ring, I looked over to the girls they smiled, ran downstairs, and opened the door. I started walking toward the door praying I wouldn't trip over in these heals, I looked up to see Ryder staring at me with his mouth wide open.

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