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'You know I'd fall apart without you
I don't know how you do what you do
'Cause everything that don't make sense about me
Makes sense when I'm with you'

Bella's P.O.V

I woke up and realised Ryder wasn't next to me so I decided to get ready for the day (Shower, brush my teeth, wash my face ect) I decide to wear black ripped jeans, a white 'slay' jumper crop top, black and white pumps and a heart necklace with a music not in it, I put my hair in a messy bun and didn't put any makeup on.

I woke up and realised Ryder wasn't next to me so I decided to get ready for the day (Shower, brush my teeth, wash my face ect) I decide to wear black ripped jeans, a white 'slay' jumper crop top, black and white pumps and a heart necklace with a ...

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i walked downstairs to see all the others round the island eating pancakes filled with melted chocolate

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i walked downstairs to see all the others round the island eating pancakes filled with melted chocolate. I sat down next to Ryder who kissed my cheeks and gave me a plate with some on.

 I sat down next to Ryder who kissed my cheeks and gave me a plate with some on

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We were all talking when an idea popped into my head. "Ryder can we go and get a puppy pwease?" I pout my lips and do the puppy do eyes to get a better chance of him saying yes.

"Not that face you know I can't say no to that" He whines

"Pwetty pwease" I flutter my eyelashes 

"Ugh fine, we'll go later" He sighed 

"Yay! thank you baby" I squealed jumping on him and pecked his lips

"Wow boss has gone soft never thought it would happen" Max mocked

"Shut it Max" Ryder shot back making us all laugh at Max who looked terrified

We spent most of the day just hanging out. It was now 3pm and Ryder was getting dressed out of his comfy clothes ready to take me to the animal shelter to get a puppy, when he walked down my jaw probably dislocated by how far it dropped.

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