The attack

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'So I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you
And I'm gonna hold you like I'm saying goodbye
Wherever we're standing
I won't take you for granted
'Cause we'll never know when, when we'll run out of time'

Bella's P.O.V

Me and the girls are getting ready for work today. Its Izzy's first day and she's really nervous because she thinks she'll embarrass herself in front of everyone.

The boys are all going to the gang house to do some work since they are a bit behind the work and everything because they took a break so they could stay with us.

*At the bakery*

"You exited?" I asked Izzy who was nervously tapping her fingers on the counter top

"No, I'm terrified what happens if I'm walking with someone's coffee and trip making it go all over the customer and they end up suing you because of it" She says throwing her arms everywhere

"Well for starters so won't happen and if they sue me we'll just stand up for ourselves in court and say you tripped by accident" Ari replied shaking her shoulders

"You sure?" Izzy asked

"certain" I replied smiling at her

"Lets open up then!" Ari said way to enthusiastically

We've been open for about 2 hours now and so far Izzy hasn't tripped and spilt coffee over anyone yet. 

I was serving this guy and he's starting to get on my nerves because he keeps flirting with me even after I told him I'm not interested

"Please just order and sit down" I said through gritted teeth trying not to let my anger show

"But your so pretty I really don't  want to" He replied staring at my boobs making me feel very uncomfortable

"I've got a boyfriend just leave me alone" I said in an annoyed tone

"And he doesn't need to know" The guy smirked 

"I'm not going to cheat on him at all especially not with you" I said back scoffing at him

Suddenly I felt someone come up behind me and turn me around by the hips so I could see their face. When I realised it was Ryder I smiled and leaned in for a kiss which he responded to straight away, we were interrupted by a loud cough making me and Ryder turn to the person annoyed.

But when I realised it was the same guy trying to hit on me, I rolled my eyes and leaned my head on Ryders chest.

"May we help you?" Ryder asked

"You can't be she can" The guy smirked making Ryder tighten his grip on me and throwing a glare at him

"Can you just leave me alone already?" I rolled my eyes at him 

"How come you won't cheat on your boyfriend with me but this guy walks in, kiss you and your willing to cheat for him?" God some people are stupid how he didn't realise that Ryder was my boyfriend was beyond me 

"I am her boyfriend dumbass" Ryder replied in an annoyed voice

"Really him out of all people? you could do so much better" The guy said rolling his eyes

This made Ryder snap. Letting go of me he grad the gut my the collar of his shirt and dragged him out of the bakery and throw him to the floor. After he shouted at him for a while Ryder came strolling in giving me a kiss on the cheek before going to join the other boys at a booth they were sat in.

"I'm so sorry for the wait what would you like?"

*10 hours later*

We had just locked up and were on our way home for a girls night since the boys were on a mission tonight.

On our way back we stopped at the shop and grabbed face masks, popcorn, matching pyjamas, a movie and lots of snacks.

We put the snacks on the little coffee table in front of us with the popcorn and hot chocolates, Ari put the movie on we decided to watch 'White chicks' because it's hilarious and one of our favourite movie, just before the movie started we changed into our matching pyjamas and face masks.

Ryder's P.O.V

Me and the boys have a mission tonight since our rival gang , stole a shipment from us and killed a few of my men.

We got into our black SUV's and drove to their base ready to attack. When we got there we had to park about 5 minutes away  so they couldn't see us. We got all of our guns and bombs out and I told everyone to get in there place.

Once we were all ready I gave everyone the signal, we killed all the guards outdoors and split into 5 groups, me, Noah, Max and Taylor (my other close friend but hasn't met anyone yet because he's always busy) in one group and the rest split amongst themselves.

We all chucked a few bombs in to make sure there was no surprises. After that we headed in and started shooting everyone that we saw, I heard a noise down a corridor so decided to check it out alone since the others were occupied. 

What I didn't expect was to be shoot in the chest by the leader of the silver swords, just before I hit the ground I shot him in the head and yelled for one of the members to help. 

Then I blacked out...



This one is shorter then usual because I thought why not leave it on a cliff-hanger then I thought I can't be that mean so I'll publish 2 today so yeh...

-Ella x 

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