The club

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'Last night I asked you to marry me, 

that's when I remembered the brandy

I wake up and claim I didn't say it, 

screwed if I ever wake up in Vegas'

Bella P.O.V

We all decided to go to a club tonight since we all needed to let lose for once. 

It's now 6pm and I'm waiting for Izzy to get here so we can get ready together and the boys are picking us up before we leave at 8pm. Normally it would only take me half an hour to get ready but since there is 3 of us its gonna take a bit longer.

"Urgh I can't find anything!" I said angrily to my self since its been 30 minutes and I'm trying to look for a dress before Izzy gets here but I'm not having any luck.

"Let's just wait for Izzy she's bound to bring extra outfits for us" Ari said

*Ding Dong* 

I ran down stairs to get the door, there stood Izzy with 6 bags outfits in her hand and a few makeup boxes on the floor.

"See I told you she would bring extras" Ari stated nudging my arm playfully

"Come on we only have 2 hours lets go!" Izzy yelled running to my room leaving us with the boxes of makeup.

If your wondering when she's moving in, we decided to do it let on in the week.

"Well..." I trailed off

"Come on" Ari said whilst picking up 2 boxes leaving me to grab the rest

*20 minutes later*

we all looked through the outfits and after 20 minutes we finally found one each and It took another 

I decided to go with a white two piece - a mid thigh length skirt and long sleeved crop top, with my hair I loose curls and foundation, natural eye make up, eyeliner, glossy lip gloss, mascara and highlighter.

Ari wore a black slim thigh length dress with thin straps on the shoulder, her hair half up half down and her make was a purply-reddy eyeshadow, winged eyeliner and dark matted lipstick.

Izzy went with a red dress that had a flowy skirt down to her mid thighs and a lace patterned top. 

(Pictures at the top)

It was around 8 and the boy should be arriving soon so we decided to wait in the living and the boys could let themselves in since they all have keys.

Soon we heard the laughter of the boys and then a loud smash.

"Shit" Whispered Noah

"Well done bro just break all your girlfriends things" Snorted Max

"Shut the fuck up Max" Hissed Ryder

I decided to get up and see what he broke. When I got out to the hallway I saw one of my picture frames had fallen off the wall and smashed across the floor.

"Really?" I asked raising an eyebrow. Once the boys heard me speak all there heads snapped to me. Noah and Max patted Ryder on the back and walked past me smiling heading into the lounge where the others were.

"Wow you look great Principessa" Ryder said looking me up and down

"Thank you, you don't look to bad yourself. But care to explain why my picture frame is smashed on the floor" I asked raising my eyebrow

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