Unexpected guests

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Previously on His One and Only...

"We're having a boy" I whispered to him to which he nodded and gave me a peck on the lips.

Whilst we were so caught up in the moment we didn't even realise that Izzy had gone to get the door due to someone ringing the doorbell. When she walked in I was shocked to see two people I thought wouldn't come especially when neither of them are welcome here.

Ryder's P.O.V

We're having a baby boy and I couldn't be happier. I never thought I'd ever be having a baby at the age of  24 with the love of my life. 

Whilst me and my principessa where hugging neither of us realised the two people my sister let in. Once I realised who they were I was fuming.

"Calm down baby" Bella whispered to me whilst rubbing circles on my arm "What are you doing here?" She questioned them

"Oh we just came for a little visit to see how the baby was doing congrats by the way." Ava snarled.

"Hey I got the-" Ari started as she walked in "Oh hell no" She ran straight towards Ava but luckily Max got to her before she could get to Ava.

"Let me the fuck go!!" She screamed whilst struggling in his hold, she soon calmed down once he whispered something in her ear.

"Well that was fun"  Scott smirked whilst eyeing Bella making my blood boil even more

"Cut the crap and tell me what the fuck you're doing in my house" I said through clenched teeth

"We just thought we'd warn you to watch your back" Ava spoke before grabbing Scott's hand and pulling him away but not before she sent me a wink and he took one last glance at Bella making me pull her closer.

Bella's P.O.V

I watched as they left the house and just stared down the hallway waiting for one of them to turn around and come cause problems but they didn't. I only broke out of my gaze when Ryder pulled me closer to him.

"What just happened?" Izzy asked from my left were she must've moved to after walking them through.

"Just two very unwanted people" Ari replied 

"I didn't know who they were sorry I thought they were just old friends" She had a guilty look on here face whilst moving closer into Noah's side

"It's fine you didn't know lets just carry on with the day" I said giving her a reassuring smile

"Are you sure you're okay Principessa?" Ryder whispered in my ear

"I'm okay let's just celebrate our baby boy" I smiled up at him

"Okay just tell me when you want everyone to leave okay?" 

"Okay" I gave him a peck on the lips and walked over to the present table

"Yay presents!" Ari screamed running over whilst grabbing Izzy's arm and dragging her over as well

"Silly woman" Izzy murmured

"Rude" Ari said back 

"Anyway come on everyone let's open some presents" I shouted making everyone walk over and take seats, Ryder next to me and bringing my into his side.

"Open mine first" Ari said grabbing 2 boxes and a bag 

"Okay... that's a lot of stuff" I said wearily 

When I opened the box and bags  I saw 2 pairs of cute little shoes, a few clothes and a teddy bear.

"Thanks guys its all amazing" I said giving her and Max a hug

I opened Izzy and Noah's next which was a few toys, more clothes and a crib. I opened everyone else gifts and they were all amazing and lets just say I won't be doing any shopping for baby things for  while since most things were presents.

 I opened everyone else gifts and they were all amazing and lets just say I won't be doing any shopping for baby things for  while since most things were presents

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"Hey principessa how about we go to be because you look nakered" Ryder whispered in my ear whilst pulling me upstairs

Everyone left an hour ago. It was now 10 o'clock and I was trying to clear everything up since there was alot of it.

"But what about the rest of the stuff?" I asked

"I'll get some of the guards to do it" He replied helping me out of me clothes and into my pyjammas 

"But that's unfair on them and not their job" I frowned

"I'm paying them to do anything I ask and they love you so they'll be more then happy to help okay?" 


He laid me down in bed before taking his t-shirt and jeans off then laid down behind me and wrapped me up in his arms whilst rubbing my stoma.

"Night principessa, I love you" He said whilst kissing my head

"Night baby, i love you too" As soon as that was said my eyes became droopy and I fell into a deep sleep.


Hi hope you're enjoy the book. 

Sorry i haven't updated it in a while its just i had massive writers block but i now have an idea of what's gonna happen next chapter.

~Ella x

Published 23rd July 2020

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