we meet again

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'Life's like this, you

And you fall, and you crawl, and you break

And you take, what you get, and you turn it into

Honesty and promise me I'm never gonna find you fake it'

Bella's P.O.V

It's been a few weeks since I first saw that guy and every day since he has been back ordering the same thing. But hey I'm not complaining.

I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off, I jump up run to the shower and get changed into my work clothes, brush my teeth and hair. Then walk downstairs where the others are waiting by my car so we get in and drive to the bakery and start to get it ready for the day.

About 5 minutes after opening the bakery we girls were just chatting waiting for people to walk in when we heard the bell above the door telling us someone has just walked in. When I look up I see the three guys from yesterday. I was about to take their order when the Greek God spoke up.

"Hi, I'm Ryder," He says sticking his hand out for me to shake since the other girl went to 'tidy' up the display while the other two boys talk to each other, all four of the sometimes sneaking glances at us.

"Bella" I shake his hand back

"Do you want to talk somewhere since it's not that busy in here?" he asks

I look at my friends and they nod their heads so I'm guessing that's a yes

"sure" I reply smiling

"Let's go" He smiles back but it wasn't a proper smile

I take off my apron, hang it up and walk around to where he is stood, we walk to a booth in the corner of the bakery and sit down, both waiting for the other to talk, finally, he breaks the silence.

"Hi" is all he says

"Hey," I say back

"So...." He starts

"Well this is awkward" I hear a man say from behind me, when I turn around I see one of his friends.

"Shut up you prick," Ryder says in an annoyed tone

"Woah bro chill out I just wanted to introduce myself," he says back

"Hi my name is Max nice to meet you" He sticks his hand out for me to shake so I shake it

"Hi I'm Bella," I say politely, when I look back at Ryder he has his jaw clenched and is staring coldly at Max. I look at Max and see him gulp then go back to where he, the other boy, and the girls where sat

"You alright there?" I question Ryder. His head snaps towards me and he starts to relax

"Yep," he says popping the 'p'

"so, what did you want to talk about?" I question him

"Umm... I was wondering if maybe you'd wanna hang out on Saturday"

"Sure, I'll give you my number" I grabbed the pad from my pocket and wrote down my number, and handed it to him

"Okay, I'll text you the time" He takes my number and puts it into his back pocket

we got up from the booth and started to walk back to our friends, they ordered coffee's and water then left for work. The rest of the day went normally and before we knew it we were home and getting ready for bed.

"so B how was the talk?" Ava asked while she and Ari watched me intently

"Good" I replied

"That's all your gonna give us?!" Ari yelled

"There isn't anything to tell," I say back grabbing my pj's and walking to the bathroom so I can get ready for bed

"I call balls*t there must be something to tell" Ava yelled through the door

"We introduced our selves, he asked me out, I said yes and gave him my number that's all," I said walking out the bathroom shrugging

"He AsKeD mE oUt, ThAt'S AlL. why aren't you excited right now?" Ari asked impersonating me

"I am excited I'm just not getting my hopes up" I replied getting into bed and putting my phone on charge

"Now get out of my room, and turn the light off on your way out please" They both get up and walkout

The truth is I'm really excited it's just the last time I was asked out I got stood up then he texted me 3 hours after saying he changed his mind and went out with another girl instead, which absolutely sucked, but I've got to put that behind me.


Hope you enjoyed thank you for reading <3

comment if there are any mistakes

Published 18th March 2020

-Ella x

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