The fight

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'So you want me now? That's funny
'Cause you didn't give a, back then
Comin' back around, so sorry
'Cause there's no room in my bed and I'm all good now'

*Bella's P.O.V*

A soon as we stepped in the front door Ryder tackled Noah to the floor and started punching him in the face whilst yelling at him.


Poor Noah couldn't speak because Ryder kept throwing punches. Since everyone else was just stood there I decide to grab his arm just as he was about to punch Noah again.

He turned round getting ready to punch whoever was stopping him but dropped his hands once he saw me.

"Maybe if you stopped punching him he would be able to speak and tell you the tease why he's with your sister okay?" I gave him the 'I dare you to punch him again' look with my eyebrows raised

"Okay" he huffed and rolled him eyes

"Roll your eyes at me again and see what happens" he shut up and looked down

Noah got up and Izzy ran up to him checking his bruises and cuts before giving him and hug and glaring at Ryder

"What the hell was that for Ryder!" She yelled at her brother

"What did you think I was gonna do throw a party and congratulate you?" He glared back

"No but I thought you were gonna be a bit more supportive and not go all mucho man on him" she rolled her eyes at him

"Whatever" he looked away

"Bro, I know she's your sister but I really like her heck I've always liked her but have never had the balls to ask her out because of you and I didn't wanna ruin our friendship because your my best mate but when she said she liked me I couldn't lie and say I didn't like her back sorry" he looked down avoiding Ryders glare

He just stayed diligent so I elbowed him in the side and nodded my head to Noah who's eyes were still glued to the floor.

"Sorry I beat you up, it's just she's my little sister and I don't want her to get hurt" Noah looks duo surprised that Ryder apologised

"I'm only younger by 2 minutes" Izzy mumbled which cause me to have to hold in a laugh

"I promise I won't hurt her intentionally" Noah replied wrapping his arm round her waist

"But if you do I'll beat the shït out of you" Ryder threatened causing Noah to laugh

"Bros again?" Noah asked

"Bros again" Ryder walked up to him did a hand shake thing that looked hella confusing and hugged his sister saying sorry.

"Let's do something" Max said out of nowhere

"Like what?" I asked

"Swimming!" Izzy shouted

"We don't have swim suits though" Ari stated

"I packed some you can borrow mine" Izzy replies

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Yeah let's go!" She grabbed our hands and dragged us up to the room which I'm guessing is hers when ever she's here

"Pick which ever one you want I'll be in the bathroom getting changed" she motioned towards her bag

"Thank you" I shouted grabbing a bikini and walking into Ryders room to get changed whilst Ari walked into Max's

I picked out a white Tommy Hilfiger bikini with red and black outlying the white.

Ari picked out a black bikini with red straps.

Izzy wore a black bikini with a cris crossed pattern under the top half and above the Bottom half.

Once we were all done we grabbed our towels, sunglasses, phones and headed downstairs to see the boys in the pool and snacks on the big table in their garden.

Me, Ari and Izzy later our towels on the sun bathing chairs, our phone by the food on the table so they didn't get wet, put our sunglasses on and laid down.

After 10 minutes my eyes started to get heavy and just as I was about to fall asleep a wet body came a laid down on my getting me docking wet which cause me to scream because it scared the shït out of me but when I looked down it was a socking wet Ryder lying on me with his arms wrapped around my waist.

I started playing with his hair which caused me and him to get sleepy then my eyes shut and I went into a blissful sleep.

*1 hour later*

I woke up to the feeling of being moved and people whispering and laughing all of a sudden I was let go and throw into the pool.

When I resurfaced I saw all of the guys looking down at me laughing and the girls in the pool with the same look as me.

We all looked at each other smiled an evil smile, climbed out the pool and ran for the boys I was after Ryder, Ari after Max and Izzy after Noah.

Ryder was to fast so I faked falling over by the pool and started 'crying' holding my foot, Ryder turned around saw me and rushed over to see if I was okay.

When he got close enough I pushed him in. All the others came to the edge laughing when the boys weren't looking the girls pushed them in but they quickly grabbed the other two and pulled them in with them.

I was standing by the edge laughing me head off causing my stomach and cheeks hurt due to how much I was laughing but stopped when I felt arms wrap round my legs and pull me in.

I resurfaced again when I got up I was looking for Ryder but he disappeared, suddenly I felt someone go under me and stand up so I was on their shoulders I looked down to see Ryder Smiling up at me so I was smiled back and ran my fingers through his hair causing him to groan in approval.

"CHICKEN FIGHT!!!" Yelled Ari as she jumped on Max's back and climbed up to his shoulders.

They ran to me a Ryder, I grabbed Ari's hands and we fought back and forth until I pushed really hard causing her to fall back and grab Max's hair causing him to go with her.

I lent forward grabbed his face and kissed Ryder. He flipped me over him shoulder caught me and carried on kissing me.

Someone clears their throats causing us to stop and turn round. Everyone was looking at us causing my cheeks to go red and hide in Ryders chest.

"Now you've finished your make out wanna go watch a film?" Izzy asked causing my cheeks to go even redder so I just nodded and climbed out the pool.

I grabbed my towel rapped it round me and ran upstairs the others were laughing at me as I ran away.

When I got to Ryders room I grabbed a pair of his boxers and a hoodie then went into the bathroom to get changed.

Thank you for reading I'm gonna write loads of chapters then post them all at once. 

Happy Easter

Published 12th April 2020

— Ella x

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