The Date! (Part two)

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After a while, we split apart and walked into the restaurant. It was a cute little area with round dark wood tables with a white cloth, a fireplace in the middle of the room, a few lamps around the room and white flowery trees hanging above.

I was looking around in awe at how beautiful the place was.

"You like?" He asked

"Like? I love it!" I said excitedly

"Really? I thought you'd hate it and then the date would go terrible and I'd ruin everything-" he rambled so I decided to cut him off

"Hey, it's lovely thank you so much" I smiled looking up at him, he smiled back pulling me in for a hug.

We broke up the hug and walked to the waiter so he could take us to our table, once we got to the table we sat down and ordered our drinks.

"Wanna play twenty questions?" He asked me

"Umm... sure" I replied

"Okay. How old are you?"

"22, you?"

"24, what's your favourite colour?"

"Purple, have you got any siblings?"

"Yeah, a sister. What's your favourite food?"

"Hot dogs. Yours?" He sent me a wink which I rolled my eyes at

"Steak and chips. When did you move here?"

"A week ago. Have you always lived in America?"

"No, I'm originally from Italy but moved here when I was younger. What's your favourite animal?"

"A horse. Can you speak Italian well or just know bits of it?"

"sì, posso parlarlo davvero bene perché vado continuamente avanti e indietro. That means-" (yes i can speak it really well because im constantly going back and forth)

"Yeah, I know."

"You can speak Italian?"

"Sì, Mio ​​padre è originario dell Italia, quindi gli ho chiesto di insegnarmelo. Anyway... What's your favourite animal?" (yeah my dad is originally from Italy so I asked him to teach me it)

"Umm.. probably a wolf or lion. What do you do as a job?"

"I own the bakery you met me in. What's your job?" I said the first bit in a 'duh' tone

"Oh shit yeh, Umm... I'm a businessman. What are your hobbies?"

"Horse riding, most sports, singing and baking. What about you?"

"Cool. sports and shooting. Will you sing for me?"

"I'm not that good but maybe one day you'll hear it. And shooting?"

"Okay and I'm sure your great, yes shooting its just a stress reliever but I've got a shooting range. Last question... what's your favourite movie?"

"Probably footloose or final destination. Can I got to the shooting range with you one day?"

"Yes you can," he said with an approving smile

The waiter came over a few minutes later, we ordered, talked whilst we waited for our food, ate it then left.

I tried to pay but Ryder wouldn't let me which I was very annoyed about *rolls eyes*.

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