When I First Met Her

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'When we first met
I never thought that I would fall
I never thought that I'd find myself.
Lying in your arms'

Ryder's P.O.V

Me and my friends, Noah and Max, decided we wanted to go to get coffee and some breakfast at a bakery or coffee shop. I heard there was a new one opening today down the road from my office so we decided to go there and check it out.

Once we are already we get in my black Ferrari F430 one of my many cars hates to brag but Nah I'm kidding who doesn't brag about have lots of cars.

Once we are already we get in my black Ferrari F430 one of my many cars hates to brag but Nah I'm kidding who doesn't brag about have lots of cars

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it's not my favourite but it's easy to drive and gets me places quicker than a normal car.

We arrive at the bakery, get out the car then walk in. As we walk in i search the place and saw the most beautiful working at the till at first she's taking orders but when we get up to the till she looks up at me and just stares like full-on stares i hear the boys laugh behind hind me so i turn around and glare at them which easily shuts them up, i turn back to her and decide its time to wake her up from her daydream.

 As we walk in i search the place and saw the most beautiful working at the till at first she's taking orders but when we get up to the till she looks up at me and just stares like full-on stares i hear the boys laugh behind hind me so i turn arou...

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"Umm... excuse me miss" I say trying to get her attention

"Oh sorry, what would you like?" her voice was the best sound ever it was soft and calm

"Can I get 2 black coffees both with sugar and a glass of water please?" I ask

"Sure that will be £6.50 please" she replies

"Here you go" i pass her the cash

"Thanks have a nice day" she says with a massive smile showing her incredibly straight and white teeth

"You too," I say as i walk over to our table

Me and the boys sat down talking about work as my mind drifted back to the cashier as i looked over the boys shoulder so i could see her but not making it look to obvious, she was smiling and asking for peoples orders, she looked so peaceful and happy i just wish i could be like that but no i have to act like a complete jerk and always have my guard up, which i absolutely hate.

"Yo bro watcha looking at?" Max shouts whilst turning his head towards the direction i was looking in, when he notices the girl he turns his head back smirking

"What?" i question my eyebrow raised

"You were checking out the cashier weren't you?" he replies with

"No," I say way to quickly

"Whatever you say bro" he says back

Max and Noah share a look and both start smirking, great they're up to something

"You know she's kinda hot I'm gonna ask for her number on the way out," Max says looking at her

When he turns back to me I put on a cold stare and he flinches a bit but not enough for anyone passing to notice.

"Jesus I'm just joking, you can have her i prefer the waitress" he says looking at the brown-haired girl wiping the table behind me

The truth is Noah is the only one here actually looking for a girlfriend yet he's not had any luck and when he thinks he's found the one he ends up getting cheated on or they've stolen his money, I feel sorry for the kid. But when I'm not even looking for someone special I come here and can't take my eyes off a girl that I only just met.

But the biggest problem is that we can never ever be anything other than friends because if I get too involved then something bad is bound to happen and I definitely couldn't put her through that especially someone as nice as her.

"You're overthinking things just go over there and ask her out, even if it's just as friends," Noah says in a bored tone

"What's up with you?" i question him

"Nothing, just pissed that when I'm trying to find someone and you're not even trying yet you find what looks like to be an amazing person and you're not even gonna go ask her out because you're worried about the consequences, seriously bro just go talk to her," He says looking down at his hands.

"You're right but we have to go we'll come back tomorrow and I'll talk to her" After that talk, we get our jackets on and leave but not before I get one last look at the girl.


I know this chapter is a bit shorter then the other one but whenever i do his P.O.V it will probably be shorter then her P.O.V

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, see ya next time.

Published 18th March 2020

-Ella x

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