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Bella's P.O.V

It's been 3 months since Ryder proposed to me and we almost have everything planned, all that's left is the dresses and suits.

We all decided to get the fitting as the same time so the boys will go get their suits whilst us girls find our dresses.

"Do you have any colours in mind?" Ava asked me while we drove to the store

"No I think I'll just decided when I see all the colours ad since you'll be wearing the dresses you can also pick which ones you prefer"

"Sounds like a plan" Izzy said back


"I was think we either go with the light purple or aqua blue" I said whilst the girls picked out what design looked best.

"How about we go with this design and then see what colour you like the best after we've shown you what each one looks like" Izzy suggested once her and Ava found the design they liked.

"Yeah why not?" They both went to get changed each in a different colour of the same design


"That one" I said pointing to the dress I liked best

"You sure?" Ava asked

"Yep, Now all we need is to find my dress" I replied getting up and looking through the racks

"Okay" I grab a few different designs and walked into the dressing room putting the first dress on


After 6 dresses I still hadn't found the right one and there was only one that I picked which I haven't tried on yet. After I put it on, looked in the mirror and was stunned. It looked amazing.

As I walk out I ask the girl how I look and they both had tears in their eyes.

"You like it?" I asked playing with my fingers nervously

"Like it? Its absolutely gorgeous" Izzy said with tears running down her cheeks


"Really" Izzy said getting up and hugging me


Today is the wedding and I'm freaking out. All us girls are in my room whilst the boys are in a different room getting changed, I told them to take Xavier with them since it'd relieve some of my stress.

 All us girls are in my room whilst the boys are in a different room getting changed, I told them to take Xavier with them since it'd relieve some of my stress

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The boys all wore navy blue suits and blue ties to match, Noah and Max got a little something each due to the fact they are the groomsmen/best men.

Ava and Izzy wore navy blue long dresses with a live heart neckline

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Ava and Izzy wore navy blue long dresses with a live heart neckline. I also gave the two girls a little something as well.
Ava got a card saying 'Can't get hitched without my main bïtch' and a little bag with some bits in. Izzy got a box with Polaroid pictures each out have a part of the sentence 'would you be my bridesmaid' on, and a few presents.

My dress was silky, big and flowy at the bottom with a love heart neckline that had patterns on.

"You ready to go?" My dad asked whilst holding his arm out for me.

"Read as I'll ever be" I smiled taking his arm, my nerves started to build up more and more as we got to the start of the aisle   when I looked around I was shocked to see how sneezing everything was.

"Read as I'll ever be" I smiled taking his arm, my nerves started to build up more and more as we got to the start of the aisle   when I looked around I was shocked to see how sneezing everything was

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There was rows and rows of seats with petals scattered Down the by the side of them. A few plants where potted everywhere and my amazing fiancé was stood under a very pretty blue and pink trellis.

When he looked up from his feet and saw me he smiled and showed Xavier that I was coming in to which he smiled his cute baby smile at me making my heart melt.

When I got to the end of the aisle my dad handed me over to Ryder and warned him that if he hurt me he'll kill him. Ryder took my hand and everyone sat down to hear our vows.

"I do" I said sliding the ring on his finger

"With the power invested in me I pronounce you Mr and Mrs Lockwood, you may now kiss the bride" that was all it took for Ryder to scoop me up and kiss me in the most passionate way ever.

Nothing much happened after the wedding apart from the dances, talking and eating.

But all I can say is this was one of the best days of my life and I can't wait to continue my life with my amazing baby boy and very handsome husband.


Sorry it's so short but I have no clue how to write about a wedding when I've never had one, I mean I've been to one but I was running round playing hide and seek with the other kids that were there (that was after I changed out of my bridesmaid dress and the main ceremony was over 😂🥴).

Thank you for reading this chapter. Hope you liked it there is only 4-5 chapters left 😬


17th September 2020

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