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'A singer in a smoky room

A smell of wine and cheap perfume

For a smile, they can share the night

It goes on and on, and on, and on'

Previously on 'His one and only'

We got to my house and he insisted on walking me to the door, as we got there I thanked him for everything and was about to walk in the house when...

~Present time~
Bella's P.O.V
He grabbed hold of my hand causing me to spin and whack into his rock-hard chest. I looked up at him and he was about to kiss me when suddenly...

the door bursts open causing us to pull away and look at what was happening but when I turned around the only thing I saw was my two idiots of best friends standing there with massive grins staring at me and Ryder.

"Oh, hi guys we didn't even know you were back yet," Ari said in a guilty voice

"Mmmhmm. Of course, you didn't" I replied rolling my eyes

Ryder stepped back quickly saying a bye handing me his phone number before heading back to his car and driving off.

I glared at the girls who were both standing there sheepishly waiting for me to yell at them.

"You guys have the worst timing ever" I spoke glaring at them

"Sorry..." Ava trailed off

"Whatever let's just get inside, I'm tired"

"Wait you have to tell us what happened first" Ari quickly said stopping me from going upstairs and walk into the living room instead

"Fine... hurry up though" I huffed

I told them about everything we did and how much fun I had with him and adding the fact that I might like him.

"Ooooh," Ava said

"Someone's got a crush" Ari spoke in a teasing tone.

"Yeah, yeah I'm going to bed"

"Night" they yelled at the same time

"Night" I yelled back whilst walking upstairs to my room


My alarm goes off instantly waking me up from my peaceful sleep.

"BELLA GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED WE HAVE WORK!" One of the girls shouted from downstairs

"GIVE ME A SECOND!" I shouted back

I got out of bed, went into the bathroom to have a shower, wash my face, and brush my teeth, etc. Once I was finished I walked into my walk-in closet to pick out my outfit for the day

I decided to dress up in casual clothes. I picked out my black ripped jeans, my white and black striped t-shirt, a denim jacket, and white shoes.  I curled my hair a bit and put it half up half down. my makeup was a natural look that consisted of sparkly orange eyeshadow and winged eyeliner.

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