'I love you...'

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'Momma said there'd be boys like you
Tearing my heart in two, doing what you do, best
Taking me for a ride, telling me pretty little lies
But with you, I can't resist
Maybe momma doesn't always know best'

Bella's POV

I woke up to the smell of burning bacon and eggs. I quickly got out of bed and ran downstairs to see if my kitchen was alright. When I got to the door Ryder was running around the kitchen trying to put out the fire that was in the pan.

After about 5 minutes of watching him try put it out I walked in turned the stove off and put the pan in the sink. I turned around and Ryder was staring at me with his mouth wide open.

"What?" I asked whilst chuckling

"How did you do that?" He looked confused

"Just common sense" I laughed whilst he glared at me

"Hey! I have common sense" He crossed his arms over his chest and pouted

"Of course you do baby" I chuckled and pecked his pouted lips

"Lets get changed then we can go and have a McDonald's breakfast yeah?" I asked

"Yeah come on! " He sprinted up the stairs and into my room

"You wouldn't believe he's a gang leader" I muttered to myself

"I heard that " He yelled

"oops" I said back

After breakfast we decided to go back to his and hang with the others. When we got there we all decided to just lounge around.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom I'll be back in a minute" Ryder said whilst standing up and giving me a kiss on my head.

"Okie Dokie" I replied playing the game on his phone trying to reach to the next level

Whilst I was in the middle of a level he got a message from a girl named Tara so me being the nosy person I am opened it to see what this random chick I didn't know wanted with MY boyfriend. When I opened the message it was said 'the other day was fun let's do it again ;) ;)'

After seeing the message I started crying and told the others to tell Ryder it was over before running home.

I knew it was to good to be true.

Ryder's P.O.V

I had just finidhed in the toilet I walked out to see Bella gone and my phone on the floor.

"Where did Bella go?" I asked the others pointing to where she was sat

"We don't know she ran out crying and asking us to tell you it's over" Izzy replied

"And no of you went afetr her?!" I shouted in their faces

"If there's something you need to know is that you never go after Bella when she's mad or really sad" Ari repled

"What made her run?" I asked confused

"We don't know she was fine playing on your phone and then she left crying" Noah stated

I picked up my phone to see a message from Tara this girl I hocked up with a while back and is now obsessed with me.

"It was that Tara bitch" I said to the guys

"The ones that obsessed with you?" Max asked

"Yep and now Bella thinks we hocked up" I spat out

"You better go afte her bro" Noah said

I grabbed my shoes, jacket and bike keys before running to my bike and driving to Bella's house. When i turn up she's is running up her drive in tears which just breaks my heart.

"Bella wait!!" I shout after her

"Piss off Ryder I don't wanna talk to you" She sobs

"Please" I begged running up to her as she was about to shut the door on me

"NO Ryder!" I put my foot in the crack of the door so she couldn't shut it

"I'm not leaving until you let me explain" I replied back

"Fine you've got 5 minutes ad if you don't get out after that I'll drag you out" She huffed

"Thank you Principessa" I smiled at her letting him in

"It isn't what you think it is." I began explaining that we hooked up a while ago before we even met and I told Tara it was a one time thing no strings attached but she never got the memo and has been obsessed with me ever since .

"But why didn't you tell her to leave you alone and stop texting or calling?" She asked me

"Principessa I did many time but she obviously didn't get it into her that thick head of hers" This made Bella laugh a little.

"I'm sorry I ran out and didn't wait for you to explain it's just last time I let someone explain about why my best friends was texting him and sending photos of herself to him I ended up getting my heart broken" She says weakly

"I am nothing like him Pricipessa do not ever think I would d o that to you" I pulled her into a hug nuzzling my face into her neck

"I love you Ryder" Bella whispered making my face lighten up

"I love you too, Principessa" I replied

She pulled away from the hug and smashed my lips to hers.


Sorry this chapter is really short I just thought I'd leave it on a good note. Can someone please vote or comment so I know I'm at least writing for one person

If you think it's going to fast sorry but that's how I want this story to go <3

-Ella x

Published 25th April 2020

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