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Bella's P.O.V

It's been 10 years since I had Xavier, 6 years since I had Hunter and 4 years since I have my beautiful little girl, Scarlett Anne Lockwood.

The boys may look more like Ryder but Scar is like my doppelganger, same hair, eye shape, lip shape, skin tone but she has inherited Ryder's light blue eyes.


Today is Hunter's first day in grade1, he's really nervous because he doesn't like new people. A years ago I was getting in the car after I filled up the car with petrol when a man grabbed me and tried to steal my handbag, when I thought back he punched me in the face and twice in the stomach making me double over in pain causing me to drop my handbag to which he grabbed and ran away. Hunter was in the front seat watching the whole thing, when I got in the car he had tears running down his cheeks and was frozen watching the spot where the man abused me.

When we got home he wouldn't talk to anyone apart from Scarlett and I think that was because he saw it happen to me and wouldn't let it happen to her. After a week he still wouldn't talk so I took him to a therapist, at first he just sat there and wouldn't move or speak, that's when we decided to have Scarlett with him and see if it helped.

It did and that's when the therapist diagnosed him with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and server anxiety. 

When we got to the school I told him to call me if he needed me or just to go find Xavier who was in 5th grade. The teachers know about his PTSD and anxiety, so they know what to do if anything happens.


Now onto Xavier, he has been awesome but takes after his dad when it comes to people he doesn't like. He has gotten into at least 4 fights ever year from the age of 6, yes I know that's a lot. But I blame Ryder because he start teaching Xavier how to fight when he was 5 since he's the heir to the gang but only if he wants it, he also know how to use a gun and knife properly, crazy right (Ryder also taught Hunter how to do it this stuff but Hunter doesn't use it to fight people).

He is still friends with Liam and Danny (the two boys he met in Nursery). Danny is the sweetest kid ever and is definitely the most sensible one out of the three, Liam is very cheeky and just loves to mess with people but Xavier is the 'toughest' of them and the one who gets in most trouble. They all take the blame for the other when they get caught doing things they shouldn't and that's what makes them the best of friends. 


I'm still best friends with Izzy and Ava but we are also now friends with Danny's mum (Alexandra/ Alex for short )and Liam's mum (Delilah/ Lilah for short).

We all make sure we meet up once a week to gossip about our husbands/ boyfriends and the kids.

All the boys are still best of friends and all run the gang together but Ryder is still the boss. They take all the boys to play football and run the football club outside of school which all the kids are in apart from Scarlett and Adrianna. Scar absolutely adore all the other kids and loves the attention being the youngest. 


My marriage is awesome and it feels like we only got married last year but it's been over 4 years.

Ava and Max go married a year after Adrianna was born and we looked after her whilst they were on their honeymoon. When Ava came back she found out she was 4 months pregnant with their little boy Jackson Luke Teller.

Izzy and Noah got married a year after that, but then she found out that she can't have any babies and was lucky that she was able to have Sebastian. She became depressed for a few months but them realised how grateful she was for all of us and her little boy who is best friends with Adrianna and Hunter.

Those three were inseparable from the minute they were born and have been best friends since. The only time they were apart was when Hunter shut every one out.


Buddy died a year ago due to having bone cancer. That took a massive toll on Xavier since Buddy never left his side from the moment we brought Xavier home from the hospital. He insisted that we threw a funeral and we did.


So this is then end of my story, hope you enjoyed it...


This is the end...

There might be a sequel but if I do write one it'll be in the far future.

Thank you for the support and reading. Hope you liked it and sorry if it was shitty.

~Ella x

20th September 2020

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