I miss you...

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'It's the hardest road to follow (I'm thinking of you)
I really wish that I could call you (What can I do?)
You can find another me tomorrow
And that's the hardest pill to swallow, babe'

Bella's P.O.V

Its been three weeks. Three weeks since he got shot. Three weeks since he's been in a coma.

I've been staying with him all day, everyday the only time I leave is when I need the toilet, a shower, when i get hungry or when I go on my daily walk so I can clear my head.

The rest of his family showed up a week ago and they are the nicest people ever. his mum, Everlyn, is so sweet and comes to check on me every two day along with his father, Luca, who was a bit unsure at first but when I ended up staying here everyday he knew I was genuine.

A week ago I started throwing up every morning and have missed my period which was suppose to be last week, so I've booked an appointment with the doctor for today so I'm just about to go an see her. 

I gave Ryder a kiss on the cheek before leaving and going to the waiting room. After about 5 minutes of waiting I was called in the room.

"Hi, miss White why are you here?" The nurse asked

"I've been having morning sickness and missed my period which was last week" I replied back

"Well it seems you might be pregnant so we will do an ultra sound just to make sure" The nurse said dragging the machine thing next to the bed

"Okay" I said back getting a bit scared that Ryder might not wake up and I'll have to have this baby all by myself

"This might be a bit cold" She said putting the gel on my tummy and moving the wand around my stomach

"Right so can you see  a little bean shaped thing on the screen?" she asked

"Yeah what is it?" I asked back

"That's your baby" she replied

"Really? its so tiny" I smiled looking at the little bean on the screen

"Yep you are only 3-4 weeks along so its not fully developed" She explained

"When will I know the gender of it?"

"You should be able to find out in your second trimester so in about 18-20 weeks" She replied

"Oh okay" 

"I'll print the picture of for you" She said pressing a few buttons

"Okay thank you" I got up and put my top back down

"Here you go have a nice rest of the day miss White" The nurse waved

"Thank you, you too" I waved back

I was walking back to the room when I saw Noah holding a crying Izzy, Max pacing up and down with Ari trying to calm him and Mr Lockwood hugging a crying Mrs Lockwood. 

"What wrong why is everyone crying?" I asked worried and frantically looking around at everyone

"Bella thank god you're here, where did you go?" Mrs Lockwood asked wrapping me in a hug whilst wiping her tears away

"I had an appointment with the doctor, what happened whilst I was gone?" I asked again

"Why did you have an appointment?" Mr Lockwood questioned

"That doesn't mater right now, what does is the fact none of you are telling me why you are crying and pacing outside my boyfriends hospital room!" I said raising my voice at them all causing them to stare wide eyed at me

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