'i like you...'

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'It's everything you wanted

It's everything you don't

It's one door swinging open

And one door swinging closed'

Bella's P.O.V

Standing there in his arms was the best thing ever. I felt safe with him, he made me feel things I've never felt with anyone else before and it's the best feeling ever.

We decided to head back because it was getting dark and Ryder didn't want me in the woods at night even if he was there because you never know which is fair enough.

Halfway through the drive Ryder placed his hand on my thigh and kept gently squeezing it every so often. We arrived at what I'm guessing is his house.

Once we got in we decided to watch a movie and I got to pick (obviously) so I picked Beauty and the beast since it's my favorite Disney film.

Ryder led me to his room so I could borrow his hoodie or something before going downstairs to watch the film since the tv was bigger downstairs and easy access to snacks and drinks. I grab one of his black hoodies and to say it was big is an understatement it's massive.

We walked downstairs to the living room and I sat on the sofa going onto Netflix to find the film whilst Ryder went to get the snacks and drinks

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We walked downstairs to the living room and I sat on the sofa going onto Netflix to find the film whilst Ryder went to get the snacks and drinks. We both get comfortable and I play the film.

About a quarter of the way through the film I looked over at Ryder to see him glued to the TV watching intently at the screen not wanting to miss anything.

Halfway through the film, I didn't even realize that I had laid down on Ryder and he'd laid behind me with his arms wrapped around me making me feel secure rather than feeling as though I'm going to fall off the sofa.

Halfway through the film, I didn't even realize that I had laid down on Ryder and he'd laid behind me with his arms wrapped around me making me feel secure rather than feeling as though I'm going to fall off the sofa

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We were both still watching the movie even though we'd completely changed the position we were sat in.

I wish we could have more moments like this and I know we've only just started 'dating/seeing each other' but have you have felt so comfortable and safe with someone that you want to be with all the time so you can always feel like that.

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