Telling everyone

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'I been tryna call
I been on my own for long enough
Maybe you can show me how to love, maybe
I'm going through withdrawals
You don't even have to do too much
You can turn me on with just a touch, baby'

Ryder's P.O.V

After finding out about the baby I couldn't stop smiling. I always thought me and Bella would start a family but I didn't realise it would be now.

"What are we going to do when the baby gets here?" Bella asked snuggling further into me.

"I don't mind we can either stay at the gangs house or find another just for us, the baby and buddy" I replied smiling at the thought of us getting a house together where we can start our family.

"I really like the sound of the last one but I don't want to cause hassle when its not really necessary"

"Principessa us moving into a new house so we can start a family is not hassle okay?" I give her a reshoring squeeze

"Are you sure?" she asked looking me in the eyes

"100% sure" I smiled pecking her on the lips

"Okay as soon as your healed we'll look for a house" She got off the bed and walked over to the door

"Were are you going?" I ask

"To get the others in here so we can tell them the news" She said doing a little exited dance

"We're going to tell them already?" I asked shocked

"Yep so get ready" She said whilst walking out the door

"Well shit" I murmered to my self

After about 5 minutes Bella walked in with everyone following behind her with confused looks.

"What's wrong? Why did you call us in here?" My mum was the first one to speak

"We need to tell you something important" Bella said back

"Okay..." Izzy said back

"Well before Ryder woke up I went to an appointment with a nurse because I wasn't feeling to great..." Bella started

"Well..." Ari drawled out

"I had to have an ultrasound and this is what they found." She said pulling the photo out of her jean pockets and handing my mum the picture first who instantly teared up which caused my dad to look over at the picture and once he realised what it was a picture of.

"Oh shit" Dad whispered holding a crying mum

"What is it?" Izzy asked taking the photo from dad

"Oh my god really?" Izzy screamed exitedly

"Yeah" I replied

"What?" Ari asked

"I'm pregnant" Bella said worry on her face for the reactions

"Yes, I knew it!" Max shouted punching the air

"Yeah sure you did" Noah said rolling his eyes

"Congratulations guys I'm real happy for you" Noah said giving Bella a hug and me a bro hug

"Thanks Noah" Bella smiled before looking at the others with worry

"Mum? Dad?" I asked

"Sorry darling I'm just so happy that I'm finally getting a grandchild" Mum sniffled whilst walking over to us and giving us both hugs

"Well done son" Dad said doing the same

"Thanks dad" I smiled

"I'm gonna be an Auntie?" Izzy whispered

"Yes you are" I smiled at her

"I'm gonna be an Auntie!" she said doing a happy dance before her and Ari ran up to Bella hugging her

"But this also means we are moving out so we can raise our family in our own home" I said mainly to out four friends since we share the two houses we live in currently

"What about the other two houses?" Max asked

"Well you can either sell one of the house and all live together or boys in one house girls in the other OR each couple gets a house" I said looking between the two couples

"We're okay if each couple gets a house if you guys are?" Izzy asked Ari and Max

"Yeah but we get the house we are living in now" Max replies taking cliam on our big gang house

"That's fine we get the girls house then" Noah nodded

"Deal" Ari says back shaking the others hands

"When are you moving out?" Izzy asks

"Well we will start looking when I get released but won't move in until I'm healed properly" I replied

"Okay then"


Hi guys sorry this one is short but its just a filler chapter and I really don't know how to write in a boys P.O.V since I have no clue what they think

Hoped you liked it and thank you for everyone who's reading i really appreciate it :)

Published 31st May 2020

~Ella x

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