Chapter 3

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I unlock the door and find my way to my room; I begin to tear yet another envelope open with shaky hands, hoping it wouldn't be from the nameless, faceless person that has been tormenting me for years.

Dear Logan...

I wait eagerly all year to send you another one of my letters.

My patience is starting to wear thin...

One day... soon, I will see that fear in your eyes when you see the envelope placed in front of your front door, I want to see your body go tense from fear, fear that I caused...

I discovered a new way I want to kill you, I had a dream of this last night, I immediately had to write it down.

It's perfect really...

I want to choke the life out of you, with my bare hands, I want to see the fear in your eyes when you realize you are about to die, I want to witness up close how you struggle for your next breath. I want to see the life draining from your eyes as your body goes limp in my hands, I want to feel when your pulse begins to slow and eventually stop, I want to feel it all!

I will see you soon my dearest Logan!

From: I guess your secret admirer or your worst nightmare, however you want to look at it.

My blood runs cold, fear has managed to stick its sharp claws into me, my heart begins to beat frantically as a cold sweat begins forming on my forehead. It's just empty threats Logan, get a grip of yourself already!

I mentally scold myself; I go down on my hands and knees to reach under my bed, I pull out an old, tattered, black shoe-box, I wipe some dust off it and I pry open the lid. The contents of the box is like the letter I received today, except less savage, less threatening. There are pictures of me with 'I know where to find you' scribbled messily at the back, there're pictures that were hand-drawn with a picture of my face stuck to it, they are all different and creepy in their own way.

I take out one particular picture from two years ago, It looks to be me, tied against a tree, with a hooded figure preparing to ram the car into me with the words, 'I'm not happy with this one, Logan, but I will give it some more thought... maybe put you in the car...' This person however knows personal details about my life, about the accident...

I receive them every year since the accident, this one from today though, there's just something about it that makes me... horrified.


I walk with Gabby to drop her off at Marlene's house, we call her Marley though for short.

"Please, Lo, I want to stay with you." Gabby grabs onto my hand tightly.

"Tonight, is the last night, I promise, Gabs." I avoid making eye contact. She stops walking, still holding my hand tightly, forcing me to come to a standstill, I finally look at those hazel eyes, which remind me so much of my mom.

"I don't like being alone anymore on... this day." She whispers as a lone tear slides down her rosy cheeks.

"Last time, okay?" I wipe the tear off her face and wrap my arms around her, afraid she might disappear, like everyone else.


A few blocks away from my house, there's a small club, mainly university students spend their down time there with their friends, Raven is the place to be. The bright blue light of the sign lights up the sidewalk, there are different cars parked up front indicating how busy the place is already.

A tall, well-built man stands at the door, muscled arms, decorated with various tattoos, bulging out of his tight black shirt, blue eyes look sympathetically at me once he recognizes me.

"Back again, Lo?" Bradley asks me softly. Most people are terrified of him, the bald head, the stern look always plastered on his face when standing at this door, the sheer size of his muscles, but deep down he's a real nice guy.

He is thirty years old, married to a beautiful and talented twenty-eight-year old, Michelle, they are happily married for seven years now, they are also the kindest people I have met this side of town. They share a hyperactive daughter, Piper, she's three now. They know what happened to me on this day four years ago, but I try keep my distance, I know a whole lot about them, they know a whole lot of nothing about me, I like it that way. I can't afford to let anybody get close to me, everybody around me leaves...

"Oh, you know it. Busy tonight?"

"Nah, the usual crowd from campus. Don't overdo it tonight again, yeah?" He warns.

I smile slightly at him, as soon as he opens the door I can feel the music vibrate throughout my body, believe it or not, but this isn't really my scene, I come here when I want to drown my sorrows. I don't want Gabs to find empty bottles around the house or find me in a pool of my vomit, not saying it happens... often.

Strobe lights flash, smoke fills my nose, either from the smoke machine at the DJ booth or from the cigarettes, and cigars being lit up, the music is so loud I can hardly hear myself think, I prefer it that way, sometimes the voices in my head become too much to bear. I don't recognize the beat that's playing, but it has a nice rhythm to it, like most music in clubs. The stale stench of beer reaches my nose, the smell alone makes my stomach turn slightly.

Along the walls are booth seats set up for the groups of friends that come here together, in the middle is a dance floor for all the drunken university students willing to embarrass themselves even more, on the opposite side is my destination. The bar, It's a long black counter with bar stools set up all around, the same usual girl behind the bar with her spunky shoulder-length platinum and neon pink hair. I think her name is Natalie, or Natasha, one of the two.

When I take a seat, she smiles at me and before I can even order my drink, she's already pouring the shot of tequila, knowing my desired choice of poison.


Hours have passed, might even be minutes, I don't remember how long I have been here, but I do know there's ten empty shot glasses in front of me, three empty glasses, once filled with vodka, I slowly and carefully make my way to the bathroom, thankfully there's no queue, The light is a dull yellow, giving the illusion that the white walls are yellow, there are five stalls, only one of them are empty.

After emptying my bladder making room for more liquor, I see my reflection in the mirror, my cheeks are slightly hollow and red, I don't know when last I had a decent meal, my eyes are bloodshot, my hair's all messy and tangled from the amounts of times I ran my hand through it, pulled at it and twisted it.

I tie my hair up into a messy bun atop my head, splash some cold water on my face, and I'm good to go. As I get back to the bar, I look around the club at all the carefree people dancing and laughing, oblivious to the losing battle of emotions I'm fighting, my eyes land on a tall blond-haired boy by the entrance through the crowd, and when he looks back at me with such an intensity in those electrifying blue eyes, my heart stops beating, my breath catches in my throat, everything around me seems to stop.

No, it can't be...

I look away and squeeze my eyes shut tightly with my hands on my face, I remove my hands and look back in the general direction, I saw him, he's not there.

Fuck! I'm either hallucinating or I'm being haunted by Landon, my dead boyfriend.

I call over spunky-haired girl.

"Keep 'em coming." I mumble. She nods, pouring the first five shots, placing each one in front of me.

Tonight, I want to forget...

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