Chapter 31

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I fight against the ropes digging painfully into my skin, the cold hard ground beneath me makes me shiver or is that the fear?

The throbbing pain in my head from the blows intensifies the longer I struggle to free my hands, I feel the tightly tied rope cut into my skin and the pain is almost enough to make me give up the fight to escape, but giving up doesn't seem to be an option right now.

Not after what happened to Christian.

My eyes can't seem to adjust to the darkness surrounding me, the only thing I seem to smell is blood, I don't know if it's the blood on my clothes from Gabby or my own, the only thing that can be heard is my fast breathing, the groan from me each time I fail at freeing my hands and the pounding of my heart.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I yell out, but there's no answer.

"Who the fuck are you?" I try again.

Anger courses through me at the lack of response.

"Come out and face me you fucking coward!" A sinister laugh sounds out next to me and I freeze.

"Not so brave now, are you?" A gruff, unrecognizable male voice whispers in my ear, I feel his breath fan against my cheek, and it sends a shiver down my spine.

"Who are you?" I ask, trying my best to keep my voice from trembling out of fear.

"Let me show you, Logan." A light comes on and my eyes shut immediately. I try several times to open my eyes until they adjust to the brightness.

I look around and I seem to be in a basement, but a decent, familiar basement. The light blues walls are the color I chose to make the room welcoming instead of terrifying.

My eyes land on a tall, hooded figure with his back turned towards me, "Turn around." I demand.

He slowly lowers his hood and I watch with bated breath as he slowly turns around and I freeze only managing to say, "no, it can't be."

Twelve hours earlier...

I stare blankly at the red flashing lights unable to look while the paramedics intubate an unconscious Gabby, a paramedic appears in front of me, but I just see her lips moving. Everything around me seems to be moving in slow motion, like I'm stuck in my own personal horror film walking stupidly to my own death.

I look away from the lights to Christian explaining to the police officers what happened, his eyes are already on me, his attention focused solely on me instead of the officers before him.

I make the mistake and look in the direction where the paramedics are trying to stabilize Gabby and my heart just can't handle the sight... can't handle the sight of all the blood. I'm covered in her blood, too.

The paramedics begin rushing Gabby towards the ambulance, Christian appears next to me, grabbing my hand and dragging me towards the same ambulance, both paramedics nod their heads, Christian helps me in, and the doors shut.

I stare at the monitor attached to Gabby and she's stable, the steady beeping penetrates my ears.

"Christian, please phone your dad." He nods, I feel slightly relieved, I was afraid he wouldn't be able to hear me over the deafening sirens.

I grab Gabby's limp hand in mine and focus back on the monitor, the steady rhythm giving me a sliver of hope.

I focus on the warmth of her hand in mine, the only thing keeping me sane at the current moment.

You must be okay.

You need to be okay.

I can't... I can't lose her.

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