Chapter 13

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"Good morning, Mich," I say a little too chirpy, "morning," I feel her scrutinizing gaze as I make my way to my working station, "Logan, are you drunk?"

"What? No, I'm not drunk, why would you ask me that?"

"You're never so... What's the word I'm looking for... Happy, you're usually the gloomy, broody type, everything alright girl?" She holds me by the shoulders, staring into my eyes, I almost want to laugh at the way she's acting, but I know deep down, she's right.

Since that night with Christian, I've been feeling a little different, a little less dark and twisted and a little happier?

If that's even the right word, Christian has been coming over a lot more in the last week and surprisingly, his happy-go-lucky attitude hasn't been annoying me as much as it used, neither of us have brought up the almost kiss, he hasn't asked me about the photographs he found, again.

I find myself wanting more, I find myself craving his smiles, his laughter, I feel drawn to it, drawn to him.

The guilt takes over as soon as he is out of sight, the reminder of the promise I made to Lan hangs over my head like a sword.

My sleep has no longer been disrupted by blackness, instead they're filled with amber eyes and radiant smiles and boisterous laughter.

"Logan!" Michelle chuckles, snapping her fingers in front of my eyes, "yeah?"

"I was asking, does your sudden change have anything to do with that handsome young man?"

"What handsome young man?"

"Shit, I didn't ask for his name, he said you will know who he is, he dropped something off for you," Michelle pulls open her draw, she rummages through the contents, "here it is!" she exclaims, she makes her way to me, a wide smile on her red lips, my breath catches in my throat at the item in her hand, I recognize it immediately, I've seen it so many times in front of my door...

"How did he look?" I ask frantically, finally knowing the gender of the person sending me those letters.

"He was tall, I couldn't really see his face, he had a pair of sunglasses on and a baseball cap," this person knows where I live and where I work, not creepy at all.

Michelle makes her way to her desk and occupies herself with paperwork, completely unaware of my current situation, I open the envelope, bracing myself for the dread that accompanies the fear each time I read a new letter.


This will be my last letter for a while...

The day when you forget about me, is the day I will make myself known...

When you stop looking over your shoulder, I will return.

When you smile for the first time again, when you laugh for the first time again...

I will come back...

Just know deep down that I am always watching...

I am everywhere, but I am nowhere...

This is not goodbye, but simply, see you later!

This doesn't make me feel any better, not even in the slightest, this makes me feel worse, the sound of the bell above the door signalling a client entering the small nail studio pulls me out of my racing thoughts, I shove the letter into my bag and plaster on my fake smile.

"Good Day, Ma'am, what can we do for you, today?"


"That the last one for the day, Mich?" I lean back in my chair, stretching my aching back muscles, "let me have a look," she flaps through the black leather clad appointment book, resting her chin on her hand, "yes! Let's lock up!" Michelle says excitedly.

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