Chapter 35

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I get an all clear from Ana Thompson after my last check-up, I sign my discharge papers and I cross my fingers hoping Christian and Gabby will be stood outside to pick me up. Gabby was discharged from the hospital a week ago with a clean bill of health to go with it and I couldn't be happier but not seeing Christian since I woke up weighs heavily on me.

Two weeks have passed and no sign of him, when I question Ava about his whereabouts, sadness fills her eyes, and she changes the subject. Questioning Ana seemed to be my next best option, but her response has done nothing to settle the unease swirling around inside of me, her answer is always the same though.

"I'm sorry Logan, he doesn't feel too well today." That response is always followed by her lips lifting into a fake smile, her amber eyes will look away from me as she tries to hide her sadness making me believe something is wrong, terribly wrong.

I would be stupid to not think that to begin with. The guy that kept coming back to me no matter how rude I was to him suddenly wants nothing to do with me?

What fucking bullshit!

I exit the hospital and the sun kisses my skin for the first time in weeks, I close my eyes relishing in the warmth, enjoying the feel of the sun on me.

I peek one eye open when I hear someone approaching thinking it's Christian but instead of being met with a face, I'm met with a bouquet of different colored flowers. Arms wrap hesitantly around my waist and I return Gabby's hug, pushing the disappointment aside when there's no sign of Christian anywhere.

"He really wanted to be here." My heart drops further at Ava's words. If he really wanted to be here, he would've fucking been here!

"Where is he?"

"Locked up in his room." I raise an eyebrow at her choice of words.

"I mean, not locked up but he's in his room, at home," she corrects herself, staring down at the flowers, "these are for you." I take the flowers from her and lift it to my nose inhaling the sweet scent, the sweet smell almost reminds me of my mom's flowery scent, and I know I need to go to the graveyard. It's time for me to do what I should've done a long time ago, but one thing at time.

"Thank you, they're beautiful... take me to him, Ava."

"I, uh, I don't think that's such a good idea, Lo." She looks at me hesitantly, staying rooted to her spot.

"Either you take me to him, or I find my own way there. I need to see him," I keep my voice stern, hoping it'll work, "I'm not asking."

Ava gulps, "you don't want to see him right now." Hurt flashes in her eyes and she looks down at Gabby and back to me. Gabby has been so quiet I forgot she's still clinging onto me.

"Gabs why don't you take this back to Ava's car, we're right behind you." I hold out the bouquet for her to take but her hold on me doesn't loosen.

"No, I don't want to leave you."

"I'll be right behind you." She looks up at me with her big eyes and I see the doubt swirling in them. All I want to do is make that doubt vanish and make sure she never feels it again.

"I promise Gabs, I'm right behind you. I'm not going anywhere."

Her hold around my waist loosens and she holds out her hands for the bouquet and the keys. Ava and I hand it to her, tears fall down her cheeks and her next words have my heart aching for a complete different reason, "I don't want to lose you, Lo. Please don't ever leave me." With that she turns her back and starts her walk back to the car.

"What was that about?"

"She thought you were going to die, she thought you were going to leave her like–" Ava pauses, not finishing her sentence but I finish it for her.

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