Chapter 9

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I contemplate phoning the Smiths all through breakfast, wondering how to start the conversation.

'Oh, hi Mrs. Smith, out of pure curiosity are you the one sending me letters about ways to torture and kill me?' Yeah, I doubt that would work, perhaps I should just ignore it, that seems like a brilliant idea.

"What time is he coming, it's like nine already, Lo." Gabby groans.

"He never gave me a time, sorry Gabs, let's go watch a movie until he gets here."

"I want to wait for him." She begins pacing the kitchen, I place my hands on her shoulders and guide her towards the living room, just as I'm about to direct her towards the sofa, there's a soft knock on the front door, she spins around fast, her whole face lighting up and she makes a mad dash for the door.

"You came!" She squeals excitedly, I hear him chuckling before I see him.

"Hey Logan."


"Go get ready, we're spending the day outside." Gabby rushes back in the house excitedly and I look down at my short denim shorts and plain black tank top, I look back at him and I find his eyes slowly raking up the length of my body until they find mine again.

I raise an eyebrow and a faint blush coats his cheeks, "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise."

"I don't like surprises." I cross my arms across my chest, he doesn't respond instead he smiles at me.

"How are we getting there?" I narrow my eyes as I stare at him.

"Well, I know you don't like getting into cars so," He makes his way to his black jeep in our driveway and disappears to the back of it, I follow him reluctantly.

Attached to the back of his jeep is three bicycles, kept in place by a bike rack. "The pink one is for Gabby of course and it's a little smaller." Christian scratches his neck, "I hope this is alright?" He looks at me expectantly.

I have no words, all I can do is nod as he begins to remove the bicycles one by one, He looks up at me while pulling the bicycle stand out, a beautiful smile graces his face, eyes twinkling in the morning sun and I feel heat slowly creeping up my neck, towards my face... I began to feel this strange sensation, unlike anything I'd felt before... I was supposed to be feeling annoyed or angry, but there is nothing of the sorts...

Wait what?

"I'm ready!" Gabby yells happily. "Is those for us?" I pull my eyes away from Christian and focus my attention back on Gabby as the guilt begins to settle itself in my chest.


"The beach? This was your surprise?" I ask in confusion as we lock the bicycles.

"The beach." He repeats with a beaming smile and I grimace.

"What? Do you not like the beach?"

"It's, uh, it's... complicated." I grimace, "You'll love it! Come on!" He grabs my hand and begins pulling me along, Gabby in front leading the way, the excitement radiating off her in waves. I can't help but notice the strange sensation running through our connected hands, I try freeing my hand, but his grip only tightens.

I don't do touching, holding hands or beaming smiles, I stop dead in my tracks, Christian coming to a halt, "What?" He turns to face me, "Please, let go of my hand, I can walk on my own." I respond stubbornly.

I'm doing this for Gabby, I look over at her as we continue walking, she's trying to look at everything at once moving her head from left to right, her eyes wide and sparkling, the biggest smile on her face, she hasn't been to the beach for so many years, I think it's been about five years, I couldn't bring myself to come here. I take a deep breath in through my nose, inhaling the salty air as memories begin to fill my head, nostalgia hitting me hard.

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