Chapter 5

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I'm walking down a dark straight road with no end in sight, it's dark out, no streetlights to light my way, the sky is filled with an endless blackness, I don't know how I got here, I don't know where I'm going, I know I need to get back home, and off this road, I feel every little stone, every little sharp edge of the asphalt, my feet are burning already, but I can't see a thing.

I bend down to feel my feet and for some reason, I don't have shoes on, where did my shoes go?

An intense fear begins to settle in my chest, my breaths start coming out in short gasps, I hear my heart beating frantically in my ears until that's all I can hear. "Hello!? Anybody there!?" I yell out.

A soft hand touches my shoulder, I just about jump out of my skin as the scream gets stuck in my throat.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Logan, you're safe with me. You can turn around now." A Female's familiar, sweet chuckle fills the darkness surrounding me. That voice, that laugh, I know it from somewhere.

I slowly turn around, afraid of what I might see, I know how this goes, but I always get lost in the illusion of it all. Two silhouettes stand before me, it's too dark to see. I squeeze my eyes shut, rubbing frantically, I open my eyes again.

I'm greeted by two pairs of eyes, one pair a beautiful light sea-green, the other pair hazel, almost identical to my own and loving smiles that adorn their faces. "Mom? Dad? Is it really you?" I go towards them to wrap my arms around them just one last time, but they disappear in a wisp of smoke before I can even touch them.

"We are so proud of you, Honey." My dad's sweet and gentle voice comes from behind me, I turn around fast, only to see them fading into the darkness, I try reaching them, but I can't move.

"NO! Don't leave! I need you, please, I-I'm not strong enough. COME BACK! PLEASE! Don't leave me!" Tears fill my eyes, making it hard to see. "C-Come b-back." I sob. "Logan?" An unrecognizable voice fills my ears. "Please!" I try to reach for them, "Logan, wake up." The blackness begins to fade, but that lonely, empty feeling remains.

There's a stampede of rhinos going on in my head, the pounding unbearable, I groan. A man begins to chuckle, my eyes snap open, momentarily forgetting about my hangover. I'm lying in a soft, comfortable bed, a bed that is not my own. I jump up fast only to fall back down on the bed.

"Whoa, take it easy, on the table is a glass of water along with two Advil's." The man's voice is soft, gentle, slightly husky. I look at the black bedside table and spot the tablets and water. I examine the pills, making sure it's Advil, when I am satisfied with my examination, I pop the pills in my mouth and swallow.

I look around the room for the man the voice belongs to, standing against the wall in front of the bed is the man in question, he is about 6"1' not much taller than my 5"6' height, he has extremely light brown hair, almost ash blond, his eyes though, are like non I've seen before, his eyes look almost yellow, or gold, the word I'm looking for is... amber, his eyes are amber. He has a sharp jawline, an upturned nose and medium-sized lips.

"You didn't? I Didn't? We didn't, you know?" I gulp, my eyes widening in shock.

"Have sex? No, we didn't I'm not the type to take advantage of drunk women." He pauses for a moment, almost hesitant. "Why were you screaming and crying?" I look at him with one eyebrow raised, my lips forming in a frown, I rub under my eye and it is indeed wet.

I choose to ignore his question; I don't know who he is. "What the fuck am I doing here and who the hell are you anyway?" My voice raises slightly, I check to make sure all my clothes are still on, thankfully every item of clothing is still securely on my body, not trusting his word.

"You were pretty wasted huh?" He chuckles quietly to himself, shaking his head from side to side. "I'm Christian, I go to UCLA as well, we shared some classes and I'm shadowing at the same hospital as you. I saw you by the club last night at the bar, half passed out, some guy kept trying to get you to leave with him, I dealt with that, you thanked me by vomiting all over my shoes." I grimace at that as I look at him apologetically.

"Right, well, um... why the fuck did you bring me here? Wherever the hell I am." I mutter the last part to myself; I spot my shoes by the dark brown bedroom door, I slowly get up and grab my shoes, struggling to put them on my feet while standing.

"I tried to get your address, but you passed out completely, I couldn't just leave you there. Do you have any idea how many creeps are out there?" His lips pull down into a frown. "And you aren't creepy?" I roll my eyes, "you were watching me sleep!"

"Logan, I was trying to wake you up, you were screaming and crying in your sleep, you yelled me awake." He folds his arms across his chest and stands up straight. "Thanks for the help, but I best be going now. Wait, how the hell do you know my name?"

"Like I said, we shared a few classes, we have the clinical rotations at the same hospital." Frustration making itself known as he runs a hand roughly through his hair.

"Right... I'll see myself out."

"I'll give you a ride, hold up!" I look at him with my eyebrows furrowed, roll my eyes and hastily find my way down the stairs, not bothering to take in the interior of the house, I keep my gaze locked on the white tiled flooring, and out his front door, I don't look up until I feel a soft breeze on my clammy skin.

What the fuck is wrong with you Logan? I haven't done that for a while, drink so much that I'm barely conscious, the last thing I remember is hallucinating Lan.

The emptiness makes itself known in my heart, reminding me how alone I have been for the last four years, not allowing myself to let anybody close to me, ignoring everybody's attempts at university to befriend me, I have Gabby, but sometimes having a twelve-year-old is just not enough...

I realize I'm a few blocks away from home, it should take me about ten to fifteen minutes to walk there in my state.

Fuck, I'm going to be late for work... again.

What are your thoughts so far? Lemme know what you think in the 💭 section!

Not a very long chapter, but nevertheless I hope you enjoyed it! Press that precious little ⭐ if you did!

Thanks for reading! Till next time❤️

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