Chapter 15

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I'm standing in the middle of a road, with no idea how I got here. A breeze whips my hair to the right, I look in the direction the cold breeze came from and a chill runs down my spine.

The entire left side of the road is filled with blackness slowly inching towards me, ready to engulf me in its icy grip.

To the right of me is a field filled with gorgeous flowers of bright pinks, blues, and yellows, in the middle of all the flowers is a tree, instead of green leaves the branches is covered with purple flowers.

White butterflies flap their wings effortlessly around the flowers, creating a beautiful sympathy, the sun kisses their white wings making them appear brighter than they are.

I don't know where to go, do I go left?

Do I go right?

Light or darkness?

I look over to the left side of the road again, the darkness has moved closer toward me, almost reaching me in the middle, a strong gust of wind howls out from the darkness causing me to step away from it.

I wince in pain as the sharp edges of the asphalt dig into my bare feet.

Where the fuck are my shoes?

I never seem to have fucking shoes on anymore!

I take off in a sprint towards the flower filled field ignoring the pain shooting through my feet.

The cool, green grass eases the burning pain, and it's then that I know I made the right decision, I chose the light.

The sun shining on my cold skin erases the chill caused by the darkness, I look up to the blue sky, and immediately I look away shielding my eyes with my hand from the blazing sun.

"I hate it when that happens," someone whispers from behind me, I know that voice.

"You always hated it, but you loved looking up at the sky," I feel arms wrap around my midsection, I close my eyes committing this warm feeling to memory.

"You know me so well."

"Like I could ever forget you," I sniffle as the emotions begin overwhelming me.

I turn around slowly in his arms, unable to control the need to catch a glimpse of him before he disappears before my very eyes.

Electrifying blue eyes greet me, I run my fingers along his square jawline, drinking in every beautiful feature, I can while I have the opportunity.

"I've missed you so much, Landon," the first tear slides down my cheek as my heart aches.

Landon gently cups my cheek, wiping away my tears with the pad of his thumb, "don't cry Lo, I'm here," he kisses my forehead softly, wrapping his arms around me in a warm embrace.

We stay like that until my tears dry up, the sound of his heart beating calms me, "come with me," he whispers into my hair.

"Okay," I whisper back, I grab onto his hand not wanting to let him go, I'm afraid if I don't hold onto him, he'll disappear, vanish into thin air.

Landon lowers himself to the ground under the Jacaranda tree, getting comfortable against the trunk of the tree, he tugs on my hand, pulling me towards him, but I stay standing.

"Sit with me Lo, let's talk," he smiles sweetly at me, the same smile I've been dying to see for the last four years, the smile I've missed so much.

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