Chapter 20

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"I can't get it in, Chris!" I yell out above the animated music, the clock ticking down.

"Let me help you."

"Yes! That's it!" I cry out in ecstasy, "faster!"

"I'm trying." Chris chuckles, focusing all his attention on the task at hand.

"Just like that." I bite down on my lip, stopping myself from yelling out.

I look at the big red numbers flashing, counting down how much time we have left.






A loud buzzer sounds out signalling our time is over, I look at the scoreboard above the green frog's head and back to where the cute fluffy teddy bears hang. One teddy catches my eye, it's completely black and shiny with big green expressive eyes.

The goal of the game was to get as many small basketballs into the frog's mouth in sixty seconds unfortunately Chris had to take over sending the score up, my aim not the best.

A teenage girl stands behind the makeshift counter with a bored expression on her face, like she'd rather be anywhere but here.

"Select your prize," she says in a monotone voice, pointing to the teddies hanging above her head while rudely chewing on a piece of gum.

Christian reaches for a white teddy holding a red heart, before I can object, he retracts his hand shaking his head, he reaches for the black teddy that I want without me having to tell him.

A radiant smile stretches across his face as he holds out the teddy bear towards me. I run my fingers through the soft fur knowing it'd feel like this.

"How'd you know I want this one?"

"Honestly?" Chris questions, I nod my head in response.

"Every other teddy here has a blank expression, all their eyes are the same brown colour, some are white, others are brown and most of them are holding hearts, but this one is the only black teddy bear, no words on it, no heart attached to it. The teddy's feelings are in the eyes, like with you, Lo."

I hold the teddy tighter to my chest knowing it's one of those gifts I'll keep near and dear to my heart.

"Thank you."

Christian brought us to a carnival in the town where I grew up. I've been here before with my family, but that's not something I want to think about now. We're having an amazing fun time together and I don't want to mess that up. How Christian knew this would be a perfect first date is beyond me; all I know is I wouldn't trade this for the world. I needed this kind of innocent fun.

This carnival is usually around every year, they come for about a week, once the week is over, they pack everything up and return to their normal lives. The whole town comes together helping organize the carnival, deciding what game stalls are in and out, what food will be selling, the rides and the live entertainment.

How did he find out about this?

We walk between the different games all the music from each game blending into one, the bright lights drawing my attention to every game we pass.

People chatting excitedly can be heard all around as parents encourage their young children to continue playing, some parents helping. A small boy with blond hair is playing a shooting game, he misses most of the targets only hitting about three out of the ten, a man I'm assuming is his father lifts him up onto his shoulders when his bottom lip begins to quiver.

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