Chapter 6

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I rush into the small nail studio, running my fingers through my now damp hair. "Mich, I'm so sorry I'm late."

Michelle owns a small nail studio, the outside is painted a neon green, it catches the eye of anyone walking by, the inside is black and silver, five silver tables, evenly spaced, line the wall on the left with black chairs on either side, against the right wall is two, comfortable chairs placed a little off the ground for pedicures.

Pictures of different nail designs are scattered all around the small shop, green potted plants litter the gaps, making the store look homey, in the center of the place is a cashier desk.

"This is the third time this week, Logan." Michelle, my boss, my teacher and Bradley's wife says sternly to me. Her hair is halfway down her back, black as the night, her eyes are a light blue, she has high cheekbones and thin lips.

"I know, I know, it won't happen again." I raise my hands up in a surrender motion.

"Bradley told me you were at that place again." I see the worry in her eyes as her eyebrows furrow slightly. "Yeah." The bell above the door rings, two young girls walk in, laughing and giggling at what the other had said. I remember when Kristy and I used to be like that.

*** Six years ago, ***

"OMG! Did you see how he checked you out?" Kris chirps excitedly as she hooks her arm through mine.

"He was so not checking me out!" I feel the heat rushing up my neck, traveling to my face, making it home for a few minutes, a giddy feeling causing a giggle to erupt.

"You are blushing! Oh. My. God! You totally have a crush on him, don't you? Admit it, Lo! The excited smile lighting up her entire face.

"Fine!" I grumble, "I have a huge crush on him, those eyes!" I sigh dreamily. Kristy stops dead, pulling me to a halt, she stares open-mouthed at me, brown eyes sparkling, she begins to squeal. "You have to tell him!"

"Shush, keep your voice down Kris, Landon's over there." I whisper-yell pointing to the parking lot at the school. We begin giggling when Landon looks over at us, she pushes me forward slightly, unhooking her arm from mine. "Totally checked you out." I look at her seriously for a moment, she attempts to wiggle her eyebrows, causing us both to burst out laughing.

We walk over to where he's standing against his car, arms folded casually against his chest.

"Hey." Hey? Seriously Logan? I feel the familiar heat rushing to my cheeks. "Hey, Logan." He smiles sweetly at me as he runs a hand through his hair. "Would you like to go out with me?" He pauses for a moment, "Tonight at six?"

*** Present ***

Bright red, almond shaped nails click in front of my eyes, pulling me out of my thoughts, I blink a few times until Michelle's features come into focus. God, I can't remember the last time, I laughed.

"You okay to work, girl?"

"Yeah, I'm... I'm okay." Michelle offered me a job when I was desperate, offered to teach me how to do manicures, pedicures, and facials when requested, The money my parents left us, is more than enough for tuition for Gabby and me, but what about the things she wants?

"Bernie, Tammy and Terry aren't here yet, we'll need to get started on these young women, their mom will be here soon for her nails as well." Michelle smiles at them and directs them to their seats.

Bernice, Tammy and Teresa work with us, they have been here from the start, also, Michelle and Bernice are sisters, they share a very close bond it's beautiful really.

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