Chapter 32

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"Christian?" I croak out, the coldness from the ground seeping into my body, numbing it.

"Christian?" I try again, hoping my hoarse voice will reach him.

"He's dead, Logan. I killed him." I don't bother lifting my pounding head off the ground.

"You're lying."

"He tried to play the hero," he chuckles humorlessly, "tried to fight me off after I knocked you out, I had to stab him again."

"No, this... this can't be happening again. I can't lose him, not again." I try lifting off the ground, but the heaviness in my head prevents me from lifting.

"What the fuck do you mean again?" He barks out, I hear his heavy footsteps coming towards me.

"You... you died Landon, you're supposed to be dead, you died four years ago in that accident."

"I fucking didn't die!" Landon roars, his voice booming off the walls, increasing the pounding in my head. "I'm right here, in front of you." He snaps, grabbing a handful of my hair forcing me to look at him.

"That's what you're mom told me." I wince, forcing a smile on my lips when his expression falters.

"My mom would never do that to me, to us." Landon let's go of my hair, a faraway look in his once beautiful electric blues eyes, now they're just filled with a void, an emptiness.

"What did she tell you?" I question out of curiosity and to distract him as I continue to fight against the rope, the rope much looser than what it was when I first awoke.

"Do you even know what I went through?"

"I thought you were fucking dead." I give him a deadpan look; the best one I can muster up.

"I'll tell you what fucking happened." He sneers, pushing me up against the wall in a sitting position.

"The floor is all yours but make it quick I have somewhere to be." Lan raises his hand and I shut my eyes when his hand connects with my cheek, the force of it making my head bang against the wall. The taste of blood fills my mouth and I smile up at him, refusing to show him how scared I really am.

"You've gotten feisty, Lo. I must admit, if I didn't hate you so much, I would've found it sexy."

"What happened to you?" I question, ignoring his previous statement.

"I was fucking paralyzed thanks to you. I made it out of surgery, when I woke up the next night the doctors told me there's a possibility I'll never walk again, told me if I did manage to walk again, I'll never be able to play football again. I fucking cried for you, but my mom said you came to see me, found out about everything, and left, refusing to be with someone that's paralyzed, not after losing your family. Not only did I fucking lose my dream, but I lost the love of my life all in one fucking day!" I begin to laugh uncontrollably, Landon looks at me confused for a moment before he scowls at me, his eyes darkening.

"Why are you laughing?"

"I wasn't even awake to go see you after your surgery." I say through my laughter.

"I don't fucking believe you!"

"Phone your mom, ask her, I dare you."

"Don't fucking turn this on my mother, in case you forgot it's your fault we ended up here, you're to blame for the death of your family, for the loss of my career. You're to blame for everything or did you forget?"

How could I forget?

Four years ago,

06 June 2015,

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