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I left the cafe late last night. Seonghwa gave up on talking to be when he realized, I wanted to be alone. Thankfully. He talked way too much for me to handle in the state that I was in. I almost snapped at him but kept my composure.

I'm having my morning coffee. I honestly feel like shit. At 3 in the morning I managed to send Wooyoung a message telling that I would come to work in time. I didn't sleep much, like usually. I keep staring out a window while sipping the bitter drink I put a little sugar into. I sigh quietly when I realize that I have to go to work. I drink the rest of my coffee before standing up. 

I put my shoes on and grab my belongings before leaving. I make it quickly to the store and walk in. I walk into the backroom and place my bag down. "Kang Yeosang!" Wooyoung yells startling me at the same time. I turn to look at him. "Do you know how worried I was last night?!" he hisses. I back up a bit. "Sorry." I mumble and look down.

The slightly shorter man pulls me into a tight hug. I hug him back carefully. "Don't worry. I'm fine.. For now." I say quietly. Wooyoung nods and then pulls away. "Don't do that again. Please. I thought you did something to yourself. You weren't answering my calls or messages..." He rambles on. "I can't promise anything." I mumble. "I know that... But please try not to..." he sighs.

"I'll tend to the flowers now." I say and the other man nods. I go back out to the store and take a watering can and fill it with water. I start watering the flowers spaced out. Everyday. Water the flowers, help customers to find the ones they want, ring in the customers, contemplate life, clean up the place and then go home. At home... I just... Sit and think. 

Wooyoung has many times asked me to come hang out with him and his friends, but I've always declined. I don't wanna bring my depressed ass to bother them. I'd only bring the mood down. I get snapped out of my thoughts as Wooyoung calls for me. "Sangie! Could you go get us some coffee from the nearby cafe? The coffee machine is broken." He asks me. I only nod. "I'll be right back."

I walk out of the shop and start carefully crossing the street. We really need a new coffee machine, for real. I stand outside the cafe before walking in. It's much more full than last night. I walk to the cashier and order two coffees to go and pay for the drinks. 

Soon enough I get my coffees and start walking back to the door. I walk out of the store carrying the two hot drinks making sure not to drop them.

"I'm back." I say as I waddle into the backroom to see Wooyoung texting on his phone with a smile on his face. "Is it a good match?" I tease him and set our drinks down on the table. Wooyoung only nods. "He's really nice." He mumbles. I smile gently. Good to know that he is doing great. 

"Yeosang, could you make some bouquets? I wrote down the orders onto a paper." Wooyoung asks. I nod and walk out of the backroom with my coffee. I set the paper mug down onto the counter and then go pick out flowers for the bouquets. 

As I'm working to make the flower bouquets look presentable Wooyoung sits down next to me. "Wanna go out with me today? My friends are coming too and they'd really like to meet you..." Woo asks. I shrug and keep my eyes on the flowers. "Depends on where you're going." I state. "We're going out to eat and then hang out somewhere. Please come." The other basically begs me.  A sigh escapes my mouth. "Are we going straight after work?" I ask. Wooyoung nods.

"Fine. I'll come..."

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