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I'm just finishing my shift when Wooyoung walks in. No San this time. I greet him.

"We're gonna meet up with the group again.. Wanna come?" The other male asks just as I was about to leave. I bite my bottom lip. "I'll pass.." I shrug. "Seonghwa will be there." He says. I sigh. "Wooyoung, just because he is there, doesn't make me want to come with. You know I hate big groups." "Sangie please." He whines.

"I'm good.." "Why?" I look around a bit avoiding eye contact. "I just don't feel like it." I say. Wooyoung sighs. "You never feel like it. Why is it that everytime I invite you, you decline?" He asks. I huff.

"Because for once I want it to be just us two!" I say louder than either of us expected. "It's been so fucking long since we last just hang out! Now you don't even have time for me because of your boyfriend!" Wooyoung rolls his eyes. "Well maybe you should've asked me to hang out!" "I did! Countless of times, but you were always busy so I didn't bother anymore!"

"You're just jealous." Wooyoung huffs and crosses his arms. "Jealous of what?" "Of me having other friends than you." I chuckle at the words. I'm not sure if it was out of amusement or what. "Why would I be jealous? You can have other friends and a boyfriend for the hell of it but still! I'm your best friend, right?" "So? It still seems like you want me to only be with you."

I feel tears gather in my eyes. "For the love of fuck, Wooyoung! I just want us to hang out like we did before!" I hiss. His words hurt me a lot. "I get that I'm clingy and fucking annoying and if you want me to leave just say it and I will!" I say trying to keep my voice from cracking. The fierce look in the younger's eyes softened up. "Yeosang.." He says, now softly but I raise my hand to shut him up.

"I just feel like shit. You don't call me anymore during late nights when you know I can't sleep. I don't get the usual good morning texts that helped me to get out of bed... I wasn't just sick, Wooyoung. I literally couldn't come into work because he was here all the time. I didn't want to bother you and now it  just seems like you've totally forgotten about me..!"

Wooyoung rushes over to me, pulling me into a hug. I bury my face into the crook of his neck. "I get that you have a life but I don't want you to forget me." I let out a sob. 

"God Yeosang.. I'm not gonna forget you." 

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