I glance towards Wooyoung. He seems to be having a great time. I turn back to Seonghwa. "When does your shift end?" I ask. He glances at the clock. "Whenever Jongho decides to make an appearace. He is almost always late.." He laughs. I nod. "Why are you asking?" Seonghwa asks leaning against the counter. I cough. "Just wondering. Since Wooyoung will be busy with San I thought I'd have someone.. I don't know... Just someone to hangout with for some time?" I say shrugging. Seonghwa smiles brightly.
I still stand by the fact that his smile is absolutely stunning.
"Sure. I'll hangout with you." He says. I nod. "Cool." I say and smile. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.
Don't Answer
Can you come sit with me for a moment?Me
don't message me again.I put my phone away. "Who was that?" Seonghwa asks. I glance at the taller. "Just.. Someone." I say. I curse silently when footsteps come up to the counter. I sigh when the older male walks over to the counter. "Yeosang, I'm sorry to bother but it's important." he says as nicely as he can. Before I manage to open my mouth Jaejoong does it first. "I'm Yeosang's brother Jaejoong. Nice to meet you...?" He introduces himself. "Ah.. I'm Seonghwa.." The barista says awkwardly. I scoff audibly.
Seonghwa smiles awkwardly. "Nice to meet you too..." He says. Jaejoong wraps his arm around my shoulders making me tense up. "May I steal Sangie away for a minute?" Jaejoong requests. I look at Seonghwa who nods at my fuckwad of a brother. Jaejoong smiles. "I'll return him soon, no worries." He says and starts dragging me to his table.
"Sit down." The older commands. "I'm perfectly good standing up.." I respond with my voice low. He sighs. "You're not gonna apologize for what you did last night?" He scoffs. I roll my eyes. "No. You deserved it." I respond. I look down at the sitting male. Jaejoong glances at Seonghwa. "Is he your boyfriend?" He asked in a disgusted tone. I roll my eyes. "No... But even if he was it would be none of your business." I say.
"What do you want?" I then ask. "You to come to the gathering. Well.. I don't want you there but you have to come." Jaejoong responds. I roll my eyes again. "Fucking fine! Just leave me the fuck alone and I'll come!" I hiss probably loud enough to alert the others. Luckily the place is empty besides us. Jaejoong smirks. The little shit. He fucking dares to come here and fuck everything up. "Good to know, Sangie. It's the day after tomorrow. You still remember where mom and dad live right?" He says. I nod.
I start walking away from him. "Also Yeosang." Jaejoong starts making me stop. "Give up on that guy.. He's seems too good for your pathetic ass.." He says. I turn to him. "Fuck off." I say. I speed walk into the bathroom and lock myself in a stall before letting the tears fall. I hate being so sensitive..
After five minutes I hear someone enter the bathroom. "Sangie.." Woo calls out. "What?" I ask coldly. "Was that..?" "My brother? Yeah. Sadly." I mumble and come out of the stall wiping my face. Wooyoung hugs me right away. "He left the cafe." He whispers. I nod.
We walk out of the bathroom. "Don't let anything he said get to you.. Okay?" Woo says. I sigh. I won't..." I say and try to smile. "Go enjoy your date, Woo.. Don't let my drama bother you.." I say and pat his shoulder. The male nods. "Go enjoy your quality time with Hwa." He teases. I roll my eyes and wave him off.
I walk back to the counter. Seonghwa turns to look at me. "Hey.. Are you alright..?" He asks. I bite my bottom lip. "I'm... alright.." I respond. Seonghwa nods. "I kinda guessed your relationship with him wasn't that great the moment he walked over.. I shouldn't have let him take you." Seonghwa says. I shake my head. "If you hadn't let him do that he would've showed up at my house. And because it's in private things would've been... Worse.." I explain without going into much detail. Seonghwa nods but opens his mouth. "Don't you dare to blame yourself. You did nothing wrong." I say and the taller closes his mouth.
Jongho finally shows up to the cafe. "Sorry I'm late!" He exclaims. Seonghwa laughs and starts taking his apron off. "It's fine. Just get to work." he says.
Jongho comes up to me. "Hi Yeosang." He says. I smile gently and greet him back. Seonghwa walks out from behind the counter. "Shall we go?" He asks me. I nod. "Sure." I say. Seonghwa smiles and starts walking to the door. "Bye Jongho. I'll see you tomorrow!" he says.
We walk out of the store. "Wooyoung told me you live near me. We can take a longer route home." Seonghwa says. "Sounds good." I say and smile at him gently.