- The f - slur
"Come in..." I say quietly. My aunt walks in and closes the door. "Yeosang. Are you okay?" She asks me. I smile as best as I can. "Of course I am. Why would I not be?" I say.
We sit down onto the small bed. "You don't want to be here, right?" She asks. I keep my gaze on my lap but nod. "I haven't heard anything from you in four years. My sister just said you moved out after having a breakdown and have been busy.. But I don't think that she was telling me the truth.." she talks in a calm tone. I laugh. "Of course. They played the victim. Like always." I mutter bitterly.
"T-they threw me out after finding out that I'm gay. No second thoughts. I had ten minutes to grab anything I needed and leave." I tell her. I blink as I try to hold in my tears. "I'm only here because they want us to seem like a good family. They just care for themselves. I'm just a burden to them. Only good when I can be used for their good." I say angrily. Someone knocks on the door. My aunt turns her head toward it. "Who is it?" She asks. I look up as the door opens. "They're starting to eat. Are you two coming soon?" Her husband asks tilting his head when he sees me teary eyed. "Is everything okay?" My aunt smiles. "We'll come out in a minute."
"Yeosang." She starts when the door closes. "Don't listen to them. Just be yourself. Next time our family gathers like this, just don't show up. Just cut everyone who is bad for you off. If you do this you will just keep torturing yourself." She calmly speaks while patting my shoulder. I wipe the few tears that fell onto my cheeks and nod. "Now. Let's go eat." She says and stands up. I take a deep breath and stand up. "Let's go." I say with a shaky voice.
We sit down at the kitchen table. Everyone starts eating and talking. "So, Yeosang. Where are you working currently?" My grandfather asks me suddenly. I swallow the food in my mouth before talking to not be rude. "Uhm.. At a flower s-shop with a friend.. He o-owns the place.." I tell him honestly with a small stutter. He stays quiet for a few seconds. "You should've started your own business, like Jaejoong." He says right after with obvious disappointment in his voice.
People keep asking me questions for a while and I try to answer them as well as I can. "When are you getting married?" My grandmother asks suddenly. There it is. The question I feared the most.
It takes me a moment to make something up in my head. As I open my mouth Jaejoong interrupts me with a laugh. "He's a faggot, grandma. He's never getting married." He states calmly as if he didn't out me to the whole family. My body tenses up as my heart jumps to my throat. I place my utensils down from my shaking hands. I feel multiple pairs of eyes on me. "Is that true, Yeosang?" My grandmother asks. I struggle to let any words out.
So I can only nod before standing up and basically running out of the house. Ignoring the few people who call out after me. I jog to the bus stop catching the last bus to the train station. When I sit down on a chair I let the tears fall.
I should've just stayed home..