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I have to say, night shifts are exhausting. I fell asleep right away when I got home and woke up at 2pm.

I'm glad I don't have any work today. I'd rather die than go to work today. My phone screen lights up and I notice a message from Jongho. He sure spams a lot. What is this kid freaking out about today? 

The loud one😒

OMG :0
Remember that Wooyoung guy I mentioned
My friendddd
We're hanging out today
andd his friend is coming. 
From what I've heard from Woo
The guy is so cuteeee

Hongjoongie 🐌

Good for you. 
As long as he isn't as cute as me >:c
I roll my eyes. It's way too early for their cuteness. I shut my phone.

Speaking of cute guys. My mind wanders to the boy from the cafe last night. Was he okay? He clearly had puffy eyes from crying and no-one walks around in the rain without an umbrella Whether they like rain or not. I didn't pry into it, he looked like he'd snap any second if I had. Not that why he was crying was any of my business, but to be honest; he looked miserable.

Soon my phone dings again and I notice a private message from Hongjoong. He's asking me to go out to eat with him since Jongho is going to be with his friends. I agree and tell him that I'll call him later to make plans. 

I continue just sitting on my bed. I could just chill for a few hours, to get some energy. I lay back down and pull the blanket to cover me. 

After about an hour of just laying there I sit up. I pick up my phone and call Hongjoong. We make up plans to meet up at a restaurant we both like.  I get up from my bed and pick out some clothes from my closet. 

Soon enough I'm out of the house and walking down the streets. I make it to the restaurant before the other one so I wait for him outside it. I quietly hum to song that is playing in my head. After a few minutes Hongjoong appears.  "Hey." I say and smile. "You seemed to be deep in thought. Anything going on?" He questions. "Nah. I'm good." I chuckle and walk to the restaurant's door. I open it and wait for the other guy. "Such a gentleman" He laughs and I just roll my eyes.

We walk in and look around. The whole place is full. A sigh escapes my lips. I look around. "Hongjoong. Isn't that Jongho?" I ask pointing at a boy who is sitting with two other guys. "Yeah. It is. Should we go to them? There is space at their table.." He questions. "Let's go ask if it's OK." I state and start walking towards the four boys.

"Babyyy~" Hongjoong calls making Jongho look away from his friends The younger eyes light up. Cute yet so gross. We walk closer to the table. "Hey. Sorry to bother you guys but the restaurant is so full. Can we sit with you guys?" Hongjoong speaks in a friendly tone. The others nod. We thank the guys and sit down. Of course Joong takes the space next to Jongo and I end up sitting next to a tall kid. 

The other two guys introduce themselves. The guy with black hair is Wooyoung and the guy next to me is Mingi. "Wooyoung, when is your friend coming?" Mingi asks in a whiny tone. Wooyoung sighs quietly. "He's here, but taking his sweet ass time in the bathroom." He chuckles. The others nod and laugh a little. 

"I'm sorry that I took so long.." A low, kind of familiar, voice says as someone sits down. I raise my eyes from the menu only to be met with familiar brown eyes, but they seem a bit more brighter this time around. I blink a few times and turn to look at the menu. 

"Guys. This is Yeosang.."

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