I offer to walk the elder woman to the train station when she has to go, but she refuses. After sharing a few hugs and saying byes the woman leaves.
I walk up the counter looking around a little. "You busy?" I asks Seonghwa. "Not at the moment." He hums. "Was that your grandma?" Seonghwa asks. I nod gently. "I don't know how he found the exact shop I work at but she came to see me.." I explain playing with my fingers a little. "Did she ask about?" "Yeah. She's fine with my sexuality." "That's good."
About an hour later Jongho comes in releasing Seognhwa from his duties. "You two seem to hang out often." The younger says and winks. I roll my eyes. "You're just jealous I got to go hang out with him." Jongho stares at Seonghwa. "Of course I'm jealous of that!" The younger huffs.
"I mean who would pass an opportunity to be with this cutie." Jongho says squishing my cheek. I scrunch my nose. Seonghwa walks from behind the counter pushing Jongho away. "Should we go now? You're probably hungry." Seonghwa asks me with a smile. I nod. "Sure. Bye Jongho. I swear I'll hang out with you too..." I smile at the younger who pouts.
"Ok fine... Have fun on your date!" He then yells. I blush gently. "It's not a date!" Both of us exclaim and glance at each other letting out a chuckle. "Uh-huh. You're already in sync." "What ever.. Bye Jongho!" Seonghwa says pulling me out of the shop.
"Have you ever realized you eat with a pout?" Seonghwa asks me. I glance at him. "Why of course not. It's not like Wooyoung comments on it always." I say with a smile. Seonghwa laughs a little. "I find it cute." He hums. I smile gently. "Thanks."
"Our friends should get together again. It was fun last time." Seonghwa says as we start walking home. I shrug. "Maybe.. I'm not good with big groups.." I say. Seonghwa smiles at me. "That's fine. You should take your time." He hums ruffling my hair.
We arrive at Seonghwa's apartment building. "I'll see you again?" Seonghwa asks. I nods. "Sure." I respond. The elder nods back. "Cool. Feel free to text me." Seonghwa says.
Before I could walk away, I hear a woman's voice calling out for the elder. "Ah.. Jieun Noona, went grocery shopping again?" The male smiles earning a nod. "My boyfriend is busy at work so I had to go again." She chuckles. "Who's this?" She then asks. I bow a little. "I.. I'm Y-Yeosang.. Seonghwa's friend." I tell her. "You're adorable..!" She cooed squishing my cheek.
Why does everyone do that? "Nice to meet you.. I'm Seonghwa's neighbour Lee Jieun." The woman introduces herself. I smile at her. "Nice to meet you too.."