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Seonghwa and I leave the restaurant and start walking around. "Where do you wanna go?" Seonghwa asks. I look around. "I don't know. The park maybe?" I suggest. Seonghwa nods and starts walking towards the park.

We sat down onto the lawn at the fairly empty park. Only a few groups of teens are around but nothing else really. I lay down and close my eyes.

After a long while of silence and us just enjoying each others' presence I opened my mouth. "Hyung... Have you ever thought about dying?" I open my eyes and look at the older who seems a bit surprised about my question. "I mean... Yeah. Once or twice. I wonder what it'd be like. Would everything just be fine and calm and shit, you know..." He says. I nod and turn my gaze up to the skies. "You?" he asks. I stay quiet for a moment. "Yeah. A few times when I was younger..." I hum not wanting to admit anything.

"We should head home now." Seonghwa says. I agree and stand up. "Will you come by the cafe tomorrow?" The older asks. I shrug. "Possibly." I say and watch the other stand up. "Let's go," Seonghwa says and starts walking ahead. I start walking next to the taller.

Soon we arrived at Seonghwa's apartment building. "I guess you really don't live far from my place." I say looking around. "Yeah. Maybe one day you can come up to my place." He says. I smile gently. "Sounds good." I state

"I'll see you tomorrow, maybe." I say before waving bye to Seonghwa and start walking home.

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