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Around 10 PM everyone decided to head home. Seonghwa stuck with me, since we live near each other. 

"How are you feeling?" Seonghwa asks as we peacefully walk down the street. I glance at him. "Better. I had fun." I respond and smile at him gently. We walk in comfortable silence towards our apartment buildings.

Seonghwa clears his throat after another moment of silence. "So. You think I'm handsome?" He asked. I look up at him, surprised. "What?" 

"The truth or dare question." I opened my mouth a little. "I.. Well... I wasn't lying." I mumble softly while scratching my head. Seonghwa chuckles at me.

God I will never get over his laugh.

"Well I think you're handsome too. So we're equal." He says softly, patting my head. I feel my cheeks heat up a little from the action. "Stop that..." I mumble and shove his hand away.

We get to Seonghwa's building first. "Will you be okay walking on your own?" The taller asks me. "Hyung... I'm an adult. Don't worry." I chuckle making the elder pout. "But I don't want anyone to hurt you." 

I grab the older's hand and give it a squeeze. "Hey... It's only a few minute walk. I'll be okay, okay?" I try to comfort the male who then nods. I smile at him and he smiles back. "Fine. Text me when you get home." he says with a smile. I nod at him. "If that give you a peace of mind." I say jokingly.

"If you don't I'll come over and  check that you're home." He states firmly and I nod my head. "Fine, mom." I chuckle and let go his hand, somewhat reluctantly

I watched as Seonghwa disappeared into the stairwell while rubbing my hand a little. Seonghwa's hand was nice and warm.

I wish I could have held it for longer.

I left after I couldn't see him anymore. I felt quite good. Everyone was as nice as I remembered from last time. 

"I think I could  get used to this..."


not at me, working on 3 draft stores while having perfectly (maybe not so perfectly) good published stories at the moment. 

ANyways i died again. I had a friend over and didn't have time to write and then i did nothing on friday and now its 12 am as i am typing this and this chapter.

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