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Yeosang and I made the ramen fairly quickly. We sat down at the table to eat in silence. It was actually quite comfortable. I feel like I don't always have to talk with Yeosang when I'm with him. Just his presence is very comfortable.

"Hell I gotta get going if I wanna meet up with the others in time.." I huff. I glance at the younger. "You sure you don't wanna come?" I ask for confirmation. The male seems to think about it. "...Let me change my clothes.." he says and smiles a little. I nod happily. "I can't just rot in here.. I'll just leave if it gets too much.." he shrugs. I clap my hands a little. "Yay."

Yeosang walks out of his room in a new pair of black jeans different from his previous light blue ripped ones and his white work button up shirt changed to a black turtleneck. His blonde hair nicely contrasts with the black outfit. "Is it bad?" he asks noticing my stare. I smile. "Not at all. You look good." I compliment. 

"Thanks.. You too." He says with a slight blush on his cheeks.


"Let's go." I say after we both get out shoes on. Yeosang nods and opens the door. By surprise we see Wooyoung out side the door just about ready to ring the doorbell. "Hi Woo?" Yeosang says, sounding a bit confused. The younger blinks. "Yeah hi... I came to check if you were coming.." Wooyoung says, obviously not noticing me yet. "I.. Yeah. I changed my mind.. We were just leaving." Wooyoung furrows his brows.

"..We?" He asks.

I clear my throat. "I'm here too. Hi Wooyoung-ah." I chuckle. "Oh. Hi Seonghwa." He smiles at me then glancing at Yeosang. "Why're you here?" The question sounded kind of rude, making me chuckle, knowing he might've not meant the tone.

"Why? Am I not allowed..? I came for the same exact reason you did." "Ah. Okay." he says and smirks at Yeosang. The blonde male slaps Wooyoung's shoulder. "Keep your mouth shut. I didn't do it just because he asked." I hear Yeosang hiss. I smile a little.

"Should we go? Jongho will kill us if we are late." The other two turn their attention me and nod. We head out of the apartment with Yeosang and then all three of us make our way to the elevator.


We arrive to the usual park we often meet up at. Yeosang had clung onto Wooyoung's arm squeezing it. It's a surprise the blood circulation hasn't cut off. 

I kind of wished the blond male had clung onto me instead...

We make our way to where Jongho and Hongjoong had set up our things. We decided to have a picnic, even though it might get a little cold later. "Hi guys." I say first. 

"Hi hyung!" Jongho exclaims. 

"We are here too!" Wooyoung whines. Jongho turns to the other two. "Hi Yeosang." He smiles brightly. Yeosang greets him back quietly, small smile on his lips. Wooyoung acts offended about getting ignored. I chuckle.

"San is coming soon too. He said he'll bring a friend too." Wooyoung then says earning a nod from Hongjoong. "God I hope we have enough things. I made sure to make extra sandwiches.." The red head hums.

"I'm sure we'll be fine, besides there's a 7-11 right over there." I hum pointing at the store in question. Hongjoong nods. 

"Now sit down. If you get cold there's some extra blankets in that bag." 


i have been thinking about rewriting this... ehhh maybe when i finally finish it. makes life easier :'D

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