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After talking a bit more with Wooyoung I headed home, now definitely not feeling like going to the hang out. 

I get to the right floor of the apartment building. I exit the elevator and see two people at my door. I walk forward and recognize both of them. Seonghwa, who looks ready to kill and Jaejoong. Why the fuck is he here? 

I furrow my brows. I stop next to Seonghwa. "Why are you here?" I ask my older brother. "To see you." he says. I sigh. 

"You saw me. Now leave." I says calmly. I walk closer to the door and start opening it but stop, turning back to my brother. 

"What are you gonna pull next? Out me in front of my friends. Sucks to be you but they already know." I hiss. I glance at Seonghwa who was just staying quiet. 

Jaejoong rolls his eyes. "What a shame. I actually came over to bring some of your shit from home but your overprotective boyfriend stopped me from trying to bother you." 

"He's not my boyfriend." I say bluntly and scoff. 

Jaejoong just rolls his eyes. "Sure you f-" 

"Watch your mouth." Seonghwa cuts the elder off before he could throw out the slur. 

"What ever." Jaejoong says handing me a bag of stuff. He starts walking away but before he can step into the elevator he opens his mouth. 

"Also, Yeosang. Those meds you take. They still help right?" 

I freeze and blink. WHy the fuck did he have to say that? It's not like taking medication is a fucking sin. "Just fuck off." 

"He's a fucking jerk." Seonghwa says. 

"I know." I murmur and open my door. 

"You wanna come in?" I ask the older who nods. I let the guy in before me. I take off my shoes and walk into the living room. I place down the bag Jaejoong gave me and open it. Just some of my old clothes. Why was this so important? I roll my eyes.

"Fucking dick head.." I mutter. "What's in there?" Seonghwa asks. I sigh and shake my head. "Just some old clothes. I'll go put them into the wash." I say grabbing the bag and heading into the bathroom.

I start putting the clothes into the washing machine while humming quietly. Suddenly my hand hits something hard and I pull out a black hard cover book. There's a spot to put a lock on but no lock. My old diary. I scoff. I put the rest of the clothes into the machine and then walk out with the book in hand.

I see Seonghwa sitting on the couch on his phone. "Did you have something to tell me?" I ask and tilt my head. "Shit that sounded rude. Sorry.." I blurt and sit down next to him. 

He shakes his head. "It's fine." He laughs. "I just wanted to come and ask if you were coming to the hang out with the others..?"

I rub my face a little. "Probably not.. Sorry." I say. Seonghwa nods. 

"That's fine. I know you said you don't really like big groups." He says and pats my head. He looks at me. 

"Have you been crying?" he then asks. I rub my face a little. "Ah... I talked to Wooyoung.. Is it that obvious?" "Kinda... Sorry I pointed it out.." I smile at the elder. "It's fine."

"Are you hungry?" I ask the older. "A little." He hums. I chew on my bottom lip a little. "Wanna make ramen?"

"Uh.. Hell yeah!"

Rain - SeongsangWhere stories live. Discover now