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We ended up up in Yeosang's apartment. We were walking around in a park and Yeosang was jumping on some rocks. It was adorable. He ended up falling and hurting his knee.

I ended up carrying him up to his home and he invited me to stay over for awhile. I accepted the offer, not wanting to be rude.

The younger's apartment was pretty much the same as mine, but it's really cozy. I'm just sitting next to the blonde male who is fixing up his knee. "Damn it... These were my favorite jeans." the male whines. "You could rip the other knee." I suggest. Yeosang chuckles and nods. "I know. I just don't need millions of ripped jeans." He explains while putting a band-aid on the wound.

Yeosang stands up. "Do you want something to drink?" he asks. I nod. "Sure." I hum and stand up. We walk into the kitchen. "I thought you would've had more flowers in your house." I state. Yeosang laughs a little. "I'd forget to take care of them." he tells me.

"What do you want? I have sprite, cola and beer... Of course water too.." Yeosang asks. "You know.. I want a beer. Why the hell not." I laugh. Yeosang nods and takes out two beer cans. "If I try to drink more than three, stop me. I have a morning shift." I tell the younger male who nods. "Same."

We walk back to sit on the couch again. "Went do you have a night shift again?" Yeosang asks. I glance at him tilting my head. "Friday and then next week on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Why?" "Eh.. Just because. If I'm awake I could visit to keep you company. The place seems quite dead at night." I nod. "Feel free to. I always manage to fall asleep out of boredom."

We talk about random stuff for multiple hours without realizing it. Yeosang seems to be more of a listener but I don't mind. Just being with him is nice. I glance at the clock. "Damn." I laugh a bit drunkenly. "It's already ten." I state. Yeosang blinks. "Time really passes fast."

Yeosang stands up and rolls up his sleeves. My eyes land on the pale scars on his arms for a second. I don't say anything. It would be rude to point it out. The younger starts to clean the beer cans from the table. "I'll help." I hum and stand up.

"Thank you, hyung." he smiles and I nod at him.  

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