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I arrive at the train station. I go and sit down on a bench. I'm way too early, but I'd rather stay here than at the house under all those judging gazes.

I pull out my phone and with teary eyes dial Wooyoung's number. I let out a sob from between my lips when the call goes to voicemail. "Wooyoung you fucking bitch..." I whimper. Wiping my tears I call the next person I can think about.

Seonghwa hyung.

I dial the older's number. After a few rings I hear the older speak. "Hello?" He asks. I take a deep breath to not let out another sob. "Hi.. It's me.. Yeosang." I say with a soft voice. I hear a bit of shuffling from the other side. "Ah. Hi Yeosang.. Is everything alright..?" He asks now worriedly.

"Y-yeah... I just wanted to call to a-ask how you were doing.." I lie. Seonghwa hums. "I'm fine. Kind of bored at my apartment.. What about you?" He asks. "I'm.. Just sitting outside.." I quietly tell him slightly shivering as a cool wind blows by. "Want me to join you?" He asks. I smile gently now feeling a little better but not a lot. Just knowing that the elder would be willing to hang out with me. "Well... If you can get to Pohang within a few minutes, sure." I chuckle. I hear a quiet "oh" from the other who then chuckles.

"When will you be back in Seoul..?" He asks next. I think for a second. "I'm... Waiting for the train a little early.." I mumble. "But I'll arrive in Seoul at ten.." I tell him. "You're waiting for the train a few hours early?" Seonghwa questions confused. "Y-Yeah... I was at a f-f-family dinner and t-thing happened.." I stutter out leaning back on the bench.

"Why did you call me, by the way..?" he asks. "Wooyoung didn't answer.. It went to voice mail.." I say but gasp afterwards. "Did.. Am I bothering you.. If so, I'm so sorry.. I can end the call now!" I say in a hurry. "Yeosang. It's fine. You aren't bothering me." Seonghwa says softly with a small giggle at the end. "Oh... Ok.. Good..." I say quietly.

We talked on the phone for some time making me calm down. "Want me to come meet you at the train station? We could go eat somewhere since it sounds like you're hungry." "Sure.. And how do I sound hungry?" I ask and furrow my brows a little. "Don't think I didn't hear your grumbles about how you left before eating. Why are you even in Pohang?" He asks. "Family gathering.. I only went so that Jaejoong wouldn't show up again... H-He outed me at the dinner table to everyone.. So without a second thought I ran out.."

Seonghwa stays quiet for a moment making me freeze. Does he hate me now? What if he's against homosexuality? I mean he didn't care about San and Wooyoung in any different way. "H-Hyung..?" I ask quietly. "Yeosang. I will beat the living shit out of that guy the next time I see him." Seonghwa says in a deep voice making my eyes widen a bit and shivers run down my spine. "Seonghwa, no.." I mumble. "Hush. That fucker should've kept his mouth shut." He hisses. I smile a little. "He has no right to do shit like that."

"I knew he must have had something planned, but I didn't think it was that. I know he and my parents hate me for my sexuality and a few other things but I never thought he would do that in front of my mother's side of the family..." I wince. Seonghwa sighs. "I'm so sorry.." He says. "Don't pity me." I mumble.

We talk until my train arrives. "Hyung.. The train is here.. I'll text you when I'm near Seoul." I say and stand up digging out my ticket. "Thanks for talking with me.. It really helped." I thank the elder. He laughs. "No problem. I enjoy talking with you." He says.

We say goodbye and end the call as I step onto the train.

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