Narc Anastasia | Someday

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*Anasui love bc I just finished reading Stone Ocean and idk why but I love him

Anastasia's P.O.V.

Old, dead music drifted through the room as I sat comfortably on my seat. I had my head propped up by my arm, eyes closed and nearly drifting of... That was until I heard a small sniffle.

I opened my eyes again, seeing my lovely Y/n, she was sitting in the corner again, crying to herself. I had been infatuated with the woman for months on end, but I've never gathered up my feelings up ask what's wrong.

Weather Reports, Emporio's and my own nickname for her was the Caged Carnation. Caged because she was stuck here. Carnation because her stand ability is to make a floral barrier surround her.

Today was the day. I was concerned. I stood up, walking over in silence, and kneeling down. She flinched as soon as my fingers just glided above her shoulder. "Go away."

I frowned at her sobbing voice, getting a bit closer. "What's wrong? Tell me."

My voice seemed to sooth her as she looked back up to me, her darling eyes roughly following mine. "Nothing. You wouldn't care. No one does."

She continued her crying. Seeing such sadness made me sad myself. Why was a beautiful girl so depressed anyway?

Reacting off by heart, I pulled her into a hug. Her sobs stopped for a moment before giving in and wrapping her arms around me in a similar manner.

I rubbed circles on her back, humming a small melody to her. "You want to know why I'm always sad?" She said.

"It's because, I'm scared. I really want me... I really want us to get out of here... But it's just too risky." Her voice quivered as she dug her face more into the crook of my neck.

I shushed her, peppering kisses onto her head. "Shush, my darling. Someday, we will get out of here, and when we do... I'll marry you. I love you more than anything else in the universe."

I moved back so we could see each other again. She moved upwards and placed a kiss on my nose, smiling as she placed both hands on my cheeks. "And I love you, Narc, my beloved."

It's cool to be sad. If you are ever sad, that's just a vibe check to remind you to take care and love yourself

-L o f i

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