Rohan Kishibe | Monday Sunshower

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{  Request/Prompt By: flowering_glory  }

[- Honestly, I could've went for one of the animated episodes but the unanimated ones are so good! I'm a fucking die-hard fan of Thus Spoke Rohan Kishibe, my favorite chapter has to be either Monday Sunshower or Poaching Seashore -]

[ No-one's P.O.V. ]

Rain. It tapped harshly, it had never rained this hard before.

Keeping close to him, Y/n was accompanying Rohan through the train station. He was on the phone with a colleague as she stayed by him.

Rohan Kishibe, every time she'd remember their first kiss it still seemed like imagination. He was a famous mangaka, and yet he found love with her.

Abruptly, Y/n felt a tapping on her shoulder, looking up to the mangaka. "Hmm? Yes Rohan?" "Oh, nothing. Just wanted to check if you were all there, dear." He said softly. He brought an arm around her shoulders, pressing a kiss to her temple before going back to his call.

Sometimes he'd randomly give her kisses, it was very small but as loving as he could be in public.

It was out of nowhere when Y/n suddenly felt someone crash into her side. It was a much smaller man, and his letters had fallen out of his grasp and along the ground. The both of us snapped our gazes to him.

"Oh, pardon me, sorry." He said as he picked his things back up, her and Rohan helping him. "I'm fine here. What about you? Are you hurt?" He asked, handing over the last few.

"Not at all, sorry. I should've paid more attention. Bye." The stranger said, recollecting himself and leaving in the two. Y/n turned her attention back to Rohan who had noticed the rain water from the strangers umbrella get on him.

Rohan was ending his call when Y/n noticed a couple walking straight at them, focused on their phones. Quickly, she was pulling him out the way when instead they knocked into her.

"Ow! Watch where you're goin'!" He yelled. The man of the two grabbed onto Y/n's arm, demanding; "Well!? Where's my apology, asshole!? Money won't get you out this mess, buddy. You're coming with me!"

By instinct, she slipped from the man's grip and clung onto Rohan, wrapping both arms around him and looking at the stranger with a confused glance.

"Huh!? Wait a sec... Are you Mr. Rohan, the manga artist? What are you doing here, man!?"

All of a sudden, his attitude changed immensely. That didn't change Y/n's need to hold Rohan though.

"Is that your girlfriend? Hyahaaah! I read all your stuff, I'm a huge fan, dude!"

Examining him, Y/n found it strange how it seemed most of the people at the station were on their phones. While the man continued to talk, she noticed another person knock into... nothing?

"Hey! Argh, dammit." "Hmm, what's wrong, Rohannie?" Rohan looked down to his beloved before looking back to the palm of his hand. Just below his pinkie finger was a cut, it was small and bleeding very little.

"It's not much, it'll heal in no-time." She replied, grabbing out a small cloth to wipe it off. He blushed slightly, smiling. She looked back up to smile back. Rohan then closed his eyes, leaning forward expecting a kiss when he was then pushed back by her.

He only noticed why when he saw another person fall by them. An older civilian, people ran up to her as the couple backed off, Y/n walking around to him. "I hope you've noticed it too." She said wearily, making him more confused than need be.

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