Diego Brando | Smooches to Steal

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Requested by: __Kakyoins_Wife__

*This one was a bit messy to write but fun none-the-less

No-one's P.O.V.

From across the track stood Y/n Joestar, the older sister of Johnny 'Joe-Kid' Joestar. She had many admirers and fans for her godly beauty, and who could've guessed one of them was the one and only Diego 'Dio' Brando?

He sat upon his hose with his helmet off, secretly staring at the girl who was pep-talking her brother. A smile was apparent on his face as he looked at her with dreamy eyes, visioning a perfect life with her.

"Hey Dio, whatcha starin' at?" And coming up came a fellow lackey, obviously attempting to look cool with the Diego Brando. But of course, the jockey didn't care, only keeping sight on the wonderful girl just a few meters away.

"You spying on Lady Joestars kid? Yeah, she's a real beaut, the daughter of millionaires, anybody who can get with her is set for life-... Dio?" The lackey noticed Diego's sudden disappearance, looking around and over to the girl. Diego was actually approaching her!

'Now, the real question is... how would I even talk to her?' He pondered as he got closer. He shook his head, trusting his suave attitude to handle the situation and was finally met with the two. "Hello Joe-Kid, Madam Y/n." He greeted, bowing to the two.

He slipped down and off of his horse and moved towards the two, his smile assured. "And, how are you two? I do hope everything is alright." He said, trying his best to act polite.

"Yes Diego, actually, everything has been very well for these past few weeks. Odd." Y/n responded, smiling at the male.

But Johnny, oh no, he was not having any of it. He saw the connection between the two, and did not like it. "Can you, just, leave?" Johnny asked, immediately being scolded by his sister.

"Johnny!" "What?" "That's incredibly rude of you!"

"Back off, asshole!" And in came Gyro Zeppili himself. The dynamic duo glared daggers at him like vultures as the jockey turned over to Y/n.

"Diego, I'm very sorry for their very rude comments." She said with concerned eyes. Diego sighed, taking her hand and placing a small kiss onto it.

"No worries. In honesty, if I could, I would race for your hand." He said, walking over to mount his horse, walking away.

Y/n's gaze switched onto each of the boys, either-side of her. "No need to be so mean to him!" She snapped at the two of them, looking at the two with odium.

"But Y/n, have you seen the guy!? Haven't you heard the rumors of him?" Gyro argued at her statement, to which she responded with; "Those are just rumors! Rumors don't mean anything but to worsen someone's reputation."

And from afar once more, Diego looked over his shoulder at the girl. Even if she was mad, she still looked graceful. Then, an idea popped in his head, and Diego smiled mischievously.

Dust kicked up as Silver Bullet began to gallop around the track, catching the trios direction. As Gyro and Johnny ignored him, chatting away, she examined him, noticing the determination as he stayed focused.

Slowly, she slinked away from the duo, walking over to her own little spot. Her heart fluttered just by the split second their eyes met, the thrill making her smile as she closed her eyes, facing downwards. She opened her eyes and looked back up, but suddenly, a pair of lips were pressed to hers and then disappeared.

With both hands covering her mouth, she found Diego once more who was also staring at her. He gave her a small wink before focusing again. 'Did he just... kiss me?' She thought as her face burned. It was lingering on her lips.

Once he passed by again, he pecked at her cheek this time, causing the girl to blush even more than before. She lowered her hands this time, fairly capturing his lips as he passed by, slower this time. This went on and on, making her bashful... until Johnny and Gyro noticed.

"Hey! What the fuck!?" Johnny made his way over to her, Gyro by his side, both of them furious. "What the fuck was that?" Her younger brother yelled as Gyro aimed his steel ball at Diego's helmet, then knocking it off and fully catching his attention. As his horse trotted over, the siblings argued.

"It was nothing-" "Nothing!? He damned kissed you!" "So what? It's not wrong to kiss." "SO EVERYTHING-"

"Ah, it seems I've caused a mess, haven't I?" Diego asked as he looked apologetically at Y/n, but then snarky at Gyro and Johnny. "Oh, no Diego. These two just don't know how to be polite." Y/n apologized, to which he replied with; "Y/n, Y/n, Y/n. It's understandable, all understandable. But, a chat about an apology dinner would be much more nicer, perhaps?"

Y/n smirked at him, her gaze playful. "Sure. Why not?" Diego then helped her up onto Silver Bullet, leaving the duo to just sit in anger.

"That fucking dinosaur," Gyro grumbled before yelling; "Eat shi-" "EAT SHIT, YOU SISTER-STEALING ASSHOLE! AND FALL OFF YOUR FUCKING HORSE." and getting interrupted by Johnny.

Eat shit asshole! Fall off your horse! >:0

-L o f i

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