Narancia Ghirga | Young Love

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Requested by: Qara21

*Not the ending Araki wanted, but the ending we needed :<

No-one's P.O.V.

Ever since he entered the gang, Narancia Ghirga, otherwise known as a member of Passione, had been in love with the wonderful Y/n L/n.

He had no bad reason to. She was cute, willing to give up time for others, overall caring about the gang before herself. Though these feelings, he kept them tucked away, thinking it was only admiration, and not something else.

And finally.

"Everything is already over..." Giorno uttered.

Narancia and the others were arriving back to Giorno, Mista and Trish. With Y/n's stand caring for them, she was the one to protect them. "Hey, Giorno? Is this shit-show over?" Narancia called out as he began running to him, along with Y/n doing the same as Abbacchio and Bruno followed behind.

The blonde boy nodded, an assured, calm to his smile. "Yes. I used Golden Experience Requiem to create a death loop. He's trapped."

Bruno walked to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You did well."

Narancia looked up at Y/n, looking into her calming, e/c eyes. Y/n noticed his staring, looking to him and letting the ends of her lips curve up as he did the same. He felt happy under her stare. It was this feeling he now accepted, how his heart fluttered like a fluffy bird ruffling its feathers.

Soon, when they began to head off, all walking in a group together, Narancia spoke up to the girl. "Hey, can we talk real quick, Y/n?" This caught the attention of everyone. They all turned and Y/n gave him concerned eyes. "Yes Narancia?"

"Uh- Ah... I wanted this to be more private b-but... Since this whole Diavolo thing is over and... I think you're really pretty and nice and cool and-" "Get to the point, kid."

Narancia looked up at the smirking Abbacchio before playfully looking at him, shaking his head. "As I was saying... would you like to be my girlfriend? Hehe..." The minute those words came out his mouth, the girl instantly hugged him, smiling joyously.

"I'd love to." She said before planting a small kiss to his cheek, making the boy blush brightly.

Narancia is baby

-L o f i

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